Beautiful moment when you are by my side

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After 3 months

Zayn's POV

"Is he alright doctor?"

"Yeah,he is doing fine. You can visit him now"

"Thank you doctor"

I went inside the hospital room to find Harry sitting on the hospital bed. He look tired and pale.

"Hye babe,how are you?"I kiss his forehead.

He give me a weak smile. "I'm fine now. Doctor said it's usual thing to happen."

"I'm so happy babe. We are having a mini me."

"Correction,it's mini me"

"C'mon,I want a mini me."

"No,it's a mini me."

"Fine,it's a mini us. Combine of our beautiful features."

"That's the deal."

I slowly touch his belly. Harry is 8 weeks pregnant. We can't do the ultrasound since we can't see anything.

The previous week, Harry was having nausea. Whenever he eat anything,it all came out the next minute. And yesterday he passed out. That's why he's here.

"Babe, what are you craving now?"

He think for a while and said," I'm craving for a ripe mango,and some marshmallow"

" You seriously have a weird cravings babe. Since when you love ripe mango?"

"I dont know. Pregnancy is making me do weird shit."

"No cursing when the baby is here. We should be careful."

"Zayn,the baby is just 8 weeks."

"But still the baby can hear us."

"Fine,I will try my best to stop cursing. You are the one who thought me bad stuff."

"Why me?"

"You love to curse for even a stupid things. Remember when there's a cockroach and you was cursing the whole day about how big it is. You also -"

"Fine,I admit it. I use a lot of cursing in the house. I will stop it for our sake. Happy?"

"Of course I'm happy"

We share a passionate kiss. I'm sure I made him pregnant on that day.

Around 2 months ago

Still Zayn's POV

"Haz, remember you told me you are ready to start a family with me?"

He nodded.

"I guess let's start now. Just like you ask me. Let's make love together."

He look at me deeply,streaming some tears. A happy tears. He smashed his lips on me. I bit his sexy lips to enter my tongue. He open his beautiful lips and we were fighting with our tongues. I bit his lips and he moan inside my mouth.

"Let's make it to the bedroom." He said with a little smirk on his face. I follow him like a puppy. He lit up a beautiful nice candle which smells vanilla. Our favourite smell. I started to undress him inch by inch so that I could taste every part of his body. His tattoes are the death of me. I bit his pretty nipples. Actually there are four nipples which I found so cool. My baby is unique. His green pools just show love . I know he's horny. His bludge is big enough to realise that.

He remove my boxer and work with his hands. Each movement is done while looking at my eyes. He replaced his hand with his hot mouth. He took my whole length into his mouth. I was enjoying the pleasure. I stood him up and heated the kiss again. I remove his unicorn boxer and his member standing straighter than a pole. I slowly pushed him to the bed without breaking the kiss.

I spread his leg and lick his hole. His moans were harder for each licks. I grabbed the lube and add in one of my fingers. I add another finger which gets a loud moan from my Haz. I add the third finger and slowly start to move it. I took out my fingers and push my member inside the hole.

"Zay-zayn, mov-move"

I obeyed his words and started to move. I move faster and faster. Harry was grabbing a handful of my hair with his lips parted. I change the position so that Harry can ride me. He sit up and kiss me harder. His lips was swollen. He started to ride me while playing with his hair. I was playing with his nipples. We both were moaning loader. I'm sure the neighbours are pissed by us. He now jump up and down which makes my dick twitched. I couldn't hold anymore. I could sense Harry couldn't hold anymore too.

"Babe,let's cum together ya?"
He nodded. We cum in unison. I cum inside of him and he cum in our bodies. He kiss me and hug me tight. We were sweating a lot.

"I love you babe" he said kissing my neck.

"I love you more" I kiss his hair and we slept the rest of the night hugging each other's arms.


Harry's POV

I saw Zayn zoning out. "Babe,what were you thinking about?"

"Nothing,just some sweet memories. Why?"he said with a cheeky smile.

"Well,because you are having a hard time down there."

He look down and saw his erected member. His face was red from embarrassment.

"What were you dreaming uh?"

"Our love making session"he said still red face.

"Right now?"


"You miss me is it?"

He nodded.

"We just had sex 5 days ago"

"It's been 5 days babe"

"Control yourself babe. Now we are having baby. We can't have sex every now and then"

"Fine,I will control. You don't tease me"

"I can't promise that"I said laughing.

He join me laughing.

Happiest moment will last forever,or is it?

So,guys there will be another member in a Zarry family. I'm really excited to write more. Stream the hell out of Nobody is Listening. Such a masterpiece album. I will update sooner. Hope you guys like it. Stay safe ❣️

~Love J 💚 💛✨

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