Half a heart without you

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Third's POV

Zayn was wandering around their own room,knowing nothing he could do. He still doesn't know if he had sex with her. He hopes not. But now,he just want to cuddle with Harry. He grab a weed and take a long puff. He's  feeling like he's in heaven. Everything was spinning around him. He was laughing to himself. The cuts are still fresh in his wrist. He doesn't know what is he doing. He took another puff before he push the weed into his hand. He screamed enjoying the pain.
Then,he drifted to sleep.

Harry's POV

I heard the front door open. It was Niall. He brought some take outs.

"Hye Harold,let's eat." He saw my red puffy eyes.
"Harry,what happened? Why are you crying?"

"I-i saw Z-zayn w-with a-n-other g-girl"

"That might be his sister"

"None of his sisters are blonde Niall. And which brother sleep with his sister in a same bed naked?"

He keep himself shut.

"I don't know Niall but why you always support him? I'm your best friend,not him"

"I just want to know the real truth. The story might sound different from Zayn's side."

"Whatever it is Niall. I don't fucking care anymore. I have more things to focus to. I have a company to run. Heartbreaks is an usual thing for me"

"Harry,it's not healthy. We don't know what is Zayn thinking right now. Let's go and eat okay? We talk after we have our meal."

"Yeah,I'm starving to hell. Thanks for being by my side Niall"

"The pleasure's is mine Harry. Now come on before the food here cold"

(After the meal)

"Look Harry,we don't know the truth and I'm not going to blame Zayn without any proof."

"Proof? Me myself is the proof Niall. I saw it with my own eyes. He was sleeping next to a girl."

"So,if you sleep next to me makes you cheated on Zayn. Is that right Harry?"

Okay,that makes sense.

"But,we can't conclude anything Niall. I already don't know what is going on and you are confusing me even more."

"Think Harry. It might be anyone. His friend,his assistant or maybe his aunt."

"That doesn't help Niall. You just make me confused even more. Why would any of them is there in our bedroom? There are plenty of rooms in our mansion. He could just possibly give her one of the room."

He sighed.

"You need to talk to Zayn. Did he called you?"


"Did you called him?"


"Go and meet him Harry. He sure must be confused as you are."

I think for while and say yes to the idea. We need a man-to-man talk.

Niall told me he's going to drop me at our mansion . He said he would wait outside if anything happens. I calm myself a bit and I enter our mansion. It was so quiet. I assume the maid had gone home. Of course,it's 6:30pm after all. I went to our room,pray that she won't be there.

When I open the door. My eyes was blurred with smokes. Oh my god,is the house on fire? But there was no smell of any fire. Even the fire alarm was off. I walked past the smoke to find Zayn lying in our bed. He looks peaceful. I saw some weed scattered around the room. And,wait he cut himself? And he even had a burn mark in his hands. Holy fuck,his other hand was full of bloods. He cut his veins. No,fuck I can't lose him.

I quickly carry him in bridal style and run as fast as I could. I could feel his breath getting slower. I saw Niall panicked when he saw us. He open the back door and he drive fast to the nearest hospital.

I whispered to him. "You will be alright. Just stay close. We'll be alright. I love you."

I saw his chest doesn't move as usual. "Babe,don't leave me. Stay strong. I need you."

I saw his eyes flickered at me. He smiled a little. He tried to talk with me. But he couldn't.

"Niall,hurry up"

"Darling,just hold on"

We arrived at the hospital and he was brought to the emergency room. The doctors were working hard to keep him. Niall just hug me tight. I just leave some sobs,trying to be strong for both of us. I keep on praying just for my husband to return to my arms.

After 4 hours,the doctor came out. He remove his mask.

"Family of Zayn Styles?" I nodded.

"I'm Dr.Johnson. Well,looks like he lost a lot of blood. We can safe him because he was brought earlier,or else it would be hard for us. He is stable now but he need a lot of rest. His mind is so disturbed,so don't remind him any old disturbing things. He might get in depression. Please give him red meats and green leafy vegetables. It would help him with his red blood cell count. And that's it,you can bring him home when he's awake.

"Thank you doctor. Can we see him now?"

"Yeah sure. But one at the time. Oh,make sure to wear gloves and masks before enter."

"Thank you doctor"

"You are most welcome. Have a nice day."

"Thank you doctor"

I rush inside the room to find Zayn lying peacefully in the bed. For a moment,I thought I will lose him too. He got some blood receiving going on. He looks so pale. Maybe from the lack of blood. He just try to suicide because of me. Well,screw whatever happen. We are going to start a new life. He doesn't need to remember that. I hold his hand and leave some kisses.

"Baby,it's me Harry. Your husband. Please wake up soon. So,we can go home and cook together. We also can watch your favourite cartoons all day. I will let you be the spoon when we are cuddling. Let's make a family together. I miss making love with you. I love you Zayn. So so much. You love me too. I know. But,we haven't told each other yet. This might be the wrong time but I love you." I kissed his temple before leave the room to let my tears flow. Niall gave me a sympathy look before he went inside the room. Why our lives only getting worse? Lord knows I've tried.

My heart ache when writing this. So,stream vibez guys. The music video is so damn cool and I couldn't resist it. I woke up to vibez and sleeping to vibez. I hope you guys stream vibez too. I love that song so much. Stay safe 😘💞 I love you guys

~Love J💚💛

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