Story of their lives

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Harry's POV

"Really Harreh? This is your red wine and freaking garlic bread?" I heard Zayn said after the waiter put on a whole plate of spaghetti infront of us.

I shrugged, " I heard this place have a good spaghetti. Just a try babe".

He made a straight face and said, "This is your usual place to eat Harreh."

"Well, I miss this spaghetti. It's been way long time since I came here to eat this spaghetti."

"We just came here last week"

"It was last week Zayn. 7 days had past. And I need food to feed two person at a time"

Zayn was choking on his drink. I pat his back and wipe his mouth with tissue.

"You're pregnant?" He asked eyes wide.

I looked at him intensely and said, "No,I was just kidding"

I can't stop myself from laughing. This is so fun.

" Oh my god! Zayn, you should see your face. Wish I could take a picture of it." I said laughing hitting the table. By now everyone is looking at me. I mouthed sorry and keep my voice low.

"Do you think it's something funny Harreh? I don't think so." he said looking at the table, holding the knife.

Okay, I'm scared

" Babe,it was just a joke. Loosen up a bit" I said put my hand on his thigh.

" Babies is not something you can play with. And I was wondering who's the father when I never had sex with you for the past two weeks." He said glaring at me with the knife.

" Oh so you're suspecting on me. You don't trust me at all. You said sex? I thought what we had was love making?Even after all these months,days,problems and dramas you still haven't believe me yet. Wow, what a nice way to end the date." I said getting up and leave the place. I can hear him breaking something. I don't want to involve in this mess.

I called the cab and waiting at the roadside. After some time, he came back.

" Harreh, I'm sorry. I don't know what's gotten in me." He said lowering his head.

" I'm trying to help you out Zee and you didn't do anything good but only making it worse. You didn't let me do good for you." I said looking at the empty road.

"No babe, don't. I promise it won't happen again."

I sighed, " I don't know Zayn. I need time. And if you can, can you please stay away from me for like at least 2 days. You can come to my house to check on the babies of course."

"But, I don't wanna be alone" he said voice cracking.

"Don't worry. You will be fine. I just need some space you know." Just as I finish talking, my cab as arrived.

" Well, see ya after 2 days Zayn. Drive safe and don't do anything stupid." I said leave the place.

I'm pretty sure he will start do some shit habits on his eating behavior. Let me call Niall.

"Hye Niall"
" Hye Harold, it's been a while"
"I'm sorry I didn't keeping up but I seriously need your help right now"
" Okay, I'm all in ears."

I told him everything about Zayn's eating disorder. And maybe our little fight.

"Oh god. I never knew he's in this situation. Don't worry Harry. I got you."

" Thank you Niall. I love you."

"I love ya too. I'll keep informing his state yeah. Goodnight."

" night"

At that night, I can't sleep. Thinking about his eating disorder isn't making me good. I called Niall since I asked him to stay at Zayn's.

I heard a loud yawn and followed by a sleepy voice. " Yeah Harry? What's the matter?"

" How's Zayn?"

"Dude, you literally ask me that 1 hour ago." He groaned making myself to feel guilty.

"Sorry Nini. I will give you a treat next time. Just tell me how he is" I said more like pleading.

"He's fine Zayn. He drank some beer just now and he was vomiting them out. Don't  worry, I clean him up and place him safely in his bed."

"Thanks Ni." I said sighing relievely.

"I don't need your thanks. Just don't call me anymore. I need my sleep. "

"As you wish Irish Princess" I said only for him to laugh like a maniac.

We ended our call and I went to bed. But, I can't sleep and I won't sleep.

And I was wondering who's the father when I never had sex with you for the past two weeks.

God,his words are haunting me. What should I do at this time? What else? Just keep thinking and end up no sleeping.

I sighed, thinking about our little joy family. Started as enemies, hate and now soulmates, love. I smiled thinking about those little moments. A perfect little family. Wish I could turn back time.

May not mean that much to you,
✨But to me it's everything, everything✨

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