Baby I'm right here

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Zayn's POV

We arrived at the hospital at the right moment. He was having his fourth contraction. He was screaming now. The driver bring out the stroller and I rush him inside.

"DOCTOR,DOCTOR!" I screamed to gain the attention from the doctor.

The nurses took over to push Harry to the emergency room. I hold Harry's hand tightly. I left small kisses on his hands. His face was red and his eyes are puffy.

 His face was red and his eyes are puffy

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His curls is all over the pillow. His brows are furrowed. He look exhausted. We enter a room,which has a lot of sign of babies. Just then a doctor enter the room.

"Hello,I'm Dr. Swift." She said and was checking on Harry. " It's 15 inches away." She said with a smile. "Are you excited for the twins?" She said excitedly. I nodded with tears and Harry just squeezing his eye shut.

"Well, Mr. Styles just wait until it reaches 9 to 8 inches and then you can start to push." She said holding Harry's hand.

Harry gave her a weak smile. His contraction is 2 minutes apart by now. Our little prince and princess will be here soon.

The way Harry is in pain making me feel helpless. It's just too hard to see him suffering. Swear all over his face. I wish I could take away his pain.

"Babe,call the doctor" I heard my precious gem saying desperate. I push the emergency bell and the next minute Dr. Swift enter the room.
"What's the matter Mr. Styles?"

"Just Harry." He said in pain.

"Okay Harry whats the matter?"

"Can I push now? The pain is too much. I couldn't hold it anymore" he said gritted his teeth.

"Let me see" she look down and see smiled.

"They're on their way. You can push now."

Harry push as hard as he could. I hold his hand but he remove my hand and hold my collar. He was like pulling me hard. He's really sweating hard. He keeps screaming but there's no sign of the baby.

"Push harder Harry." Dr. Swift said.

He was crying but he never give up. He keep pushing and pushing and cursing of course.

"I can see one of their head. Keep going Harry." Dr. Swift said.

"You are really doing it good babe" I said trying to kiss his forehead. I didn't have a chance to kiss him. He always pull my collar and he hold my wrist to keep him support.

"Ahhhh.... fuck" he squeeze his eyes. His face are really red and he look pale. He's exhausted. I can see he flicker his eyes.

"No,don't give up Harry. Zayn help him out. Don't let him close his eyes."

"Babe,look at me. C'mon. My strong baby. I know you can do it." I patted his cheek. He look at me tiredly. He gave me a weak smile.

"C'mon babe,push" I said guiding him. He eventually listen to me and push harder.

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