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Zayn's POV

Oh no. Not the right time to talk about it. It's going to end bad for sure.

" I'm waiting" Harry said glaring at me.

Louis looked at me for approval while I just nodded. Here comes nothing.

"Actually Harry, I-i got tired of you and I can't cope with our relationships. I don't have that much of money at that early time to bear both of you and the baby. I swear to God I really loved you Harry with my whole heart. But, things got different when I started to cheat on you with Eleanor. I-i can't believe I'm saying this and I don't care if you kill me after this. I made Eleanor pregnant too which makes my money going on both sides. I really can't do anything. I swear to God, I thought I will stay with you as a good boyfriend and wait until the baby born. But,only accident happen. You actually passed out for a week and I think it's the best if I let you go . So, that's what I did. I left to overseas. I never come back before 3 years ago. I know I am a scumbag who only loves to break people heart. I got to know about your baby got miscarriage. Honestly I wish I can be there to support you because you need someone in those tough times. I was not even there as a good friend." Louis said wiping his overfilling tears. 

"I'm sorry Harry. I know sorry is not going to change anything. But,the guilt is still eating me up after all these years. I-i know you won't forgive me but at least I will feel relieve after letting this guilt out from myself" Louis said, eyes red and puffy.

Harry just looked emotionless. He didn't even look from his feet. " I-i can't believe it Lou. I-i thought I'm good enough. Well if you don't like it or not want it,you can ask for it! I will literally break up. But, only the baby end up died. I lost my mental health,my cheerful smile and my family just because of your stupid ass attitude! You didnt do any good than coming back to hurt me even more.!"  He said snapping his head from down. His eyes filled with water.  I went near to embrace him but he stopped me.

"Let me hear every little shit first. " Harry said wiping his tears. His eyes are red and his brows are furrowed because of anger. I can see his knuckles are white. He's making me scared right now.

I cleared my throat before speaking. " So, I know Lou way before I know that he dumped you. I got to know him at Bradford when he work at a coffee shop as a part time worker. He tells me about you and how he wants to end everything with you. Then,one day he come back saying he end things with you. Then, there's one time we play Truth or dare. I got a freaking dare and Louis dared me to make you love me. He said that no one can makes you like anyone in this world. Since I love challenges,I was okay with it. I started to stalk you. Where you go and everything. I got to  know that you're that boy who always bully me in school. I remember still how you would put glue on my hair and how you would push me in a small lake behind the school. Thank God it's not deep. Or else I might have die by now.  But then our families got we both together to marry for a sake of money. I thought it's going to be okay since I can revenge you and win the dare . My plan all along is to make you to love me and prove to Louis that's it. But-" Harry cut me off.

"You don't love me at all?" He asked almost broke.

"Of course I love you babe" I said grabbing his hands.

" Don't touch me! I feel so sick and disgusted with both of you. Is this dream? Wish it is. But truth is this is the reality. " Harry said crying.


"Don't call me that. Can you both clear up this place please? I need some space"

"But I live here" I said looking pleadingly.

" Fine then. I have my own hands to drive myself somewhere. Probably to hell." He said and stormed out of the house.

Louis just looked at me guilt filling him. " I'm sorry" he said more like whispered.

" It's fine lou. Truth need to be told. " I said and walk Lou to the door.

" Well see ya . Tell Harry I'm sorry" lou said hugging me.

" I bet he won't talk to me for at least 3 days."

We bid our goodbyes and I just crashed the couch. I heard my stomach grumbles. I'm not gonna eat anything right now. Might as well suffer again with eating disorder.
I truly deserve this. But, I really love him more than myself. I'm such an asshole. My eyes started to piled up and I just close my eyes, anticipating the pain.

I groaned and open my eyes. I didn't even realise I slept. Was it a dream? I stressing myself and went to the kitchen. I found Harry cooking something pleasant.

It was a dream

I hug from behind and kiss his ear. But, Harry just let me go from my grip and walked past me. I sighed, it is not a dream.  I looked at the clock and it's around dinner. My stomach grumbles even more and I took a sit on the dining table. But, Harry just bring his food to our room and slammed the door hard.

I groaned to myself since I need to do my own food for god knows how long.  I just made a  mac and cheese. It will do good although I'm not a good fan of it. I sighed looking at the empty place beside me. I already missing him.

I'm not so innocent,
But the love I had for you is real💔

Hope you guys get it. If you don't, tell me so I can explain even more. I would be happy if you guys vote and comment. Stay safe, I love you guys ❤️✨

~Love J 💛💚

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