Better than this

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Harry's POV

After a week boring life in the hospital, I'm free to go. Niall was with me all the time. I only miss one person, the brown eyes angel. Well, Niall told me he left our mansion and went back to his hometown Bradford. Now I need to cross plenty of miles to meet him.

"Have you taken everything Harry?" Niall asked me. "Yeah,I guess. Just get out from here already Niall. I'm sick with the smell."I said making a disgusted face. He laughed at that.

My limo was waiting for me right at the entrance. I quickly get in to go back to my house. When I reached there,my maid greet me. She is really nice. I slowly when upstairs because I'm still weak. But something got my attention. I turned to look at my guest room to find it open wide. I went inside and I could feel the loneliness. How Zayn stayed here?

I returned back to my room and found my things scattered around. I could not believe my eyes. The memories I try to hide is out now. And the only person who should seen this is Zayn. How if he left me after seen this. I really need to talk with him. I rushed to meet Niall.

"Niall,where are you?"I shouted and I found him eating at the dining table.
"Niall,can you help me find Zayn's address or his phone number?" I told him faster than I would. "Harry,I think those things can wait. Let me finish this spaghetti."he told me with a chilled tone. "NIALL! I NEED TO KNOW IT IN 10 MINUTES."I shouted at him. He sighed and went to grab his tablet. He was busy typing something and after 7 minutes,"Haah,I've got it. He's living in 127,Jordon Street,Bradford, United Kingdom."he exclaimed. "How about his phone number?" I asked him. "It's easy,even I got it. It's 9435610235." I quickly type that on my phone and save it as my husband✨💛. Niall then continue," What kind of husband that don't know his husband's phone number?"he laughed at me. "Just shut up Niall, we were just in a different clouds."I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

On that evening,I spend around 2 hours to reach Bradford. It was a boring trip actually. Niall will either eating or sleeping. Me on the other hand probably listen to some sad songs and remembering all the shits I've made. When we were on our way to Zayn's house,I looked around. The streets are so quiet just like Zayn. Mysterious town just like Zayn.

Now I'm standing in front of Zayn's childhood house.

Now I'm standing in front of Zayn's childhood house

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Well,not bad. Quite simple but I could the warmness and the meaning of warm when I look at it. I love it. I got out from my limo and stand in front of the door. I don't know why I was so nervous that I can't even knocked or bell. When I got all the courage to knock on tee door,someome open the door. The door knob hit my balls and the door hit my nose. I screamed in pain.

"Oh my god, Harry I'm so sorry. I was just excited to play my ball." I heard Safaa said. Safaa is Zayn's youngest sister. "It's ok Safaa"I got up slowly and the pain was still there. Probably my nose are red by now. "What happened here? Safaa,who are you talking to?"I heard Trisha said while approaching me. "Mummy,I accidentally open the door and the door hit Harry." Safaa said loudly. "Oh,sunshine are you alright? My god, your nose is red. Come in,let me put some warm water around it to make it better." Trisha said with care. "Thank you"I said with a wide smile.

I went to the couch to take a sit. I heard a familiar voice coming from upstairs."Waliyha,I'm not good in mathematics,please just ask someone else."I heard he's talking to his sister. "Zaynie, help me with this question please. Even it's wrong it's fine. I can't even think to write anything wrong." Waliyha said probably pouting. "Nah,I'm not going to do it. If you really want,go ask Doniya."
"I hate you"I heard Zayn coming down giggling. Maybe it's a wrong time to meet him. He's happy here.

"Mommy, can I order some pizza? I'm starving."he said while coming down. He froze when saw me. I said a small hi. Trisha came from the kitchen. "Sonshine, Harry came just like you said. Look how red his nose his. Safaa ran into him." Wait,he told them that I'm coming? How he know?. I need to clear this out.

"Yeahh mom,I think Harry done all his work schedule and return from Australia." He said nervously. Australia? More like Hospital. He looked at me for a reassurance. I play whatever shit he's doing,so I said"Yeah,I just return from Australia this morning. I miss Zayn so much,I thought I can give a visit."I told Trisha with a great smile of mine.

"So how long are you staying Harry?" Trisha asked me. "Probably a week,I wanna look around this place a bit and mostly want to spend time with you all."I replied her. "That's really sweet of you Harry." I don't know what should I say, so I keep quiet. There was only dead silence. "So,where is Yaser?" I asked her again to broke the silence. "He went to America for a business matter. Nothing to worry about darling." I nodded.

I then looked at Zayn. He didn't even look at me. The guilt is eating me up. Wish I could talk to him but we're acting now. "Would you like to have anything babe?"he asked me. My breath hitched when I heard him calling me babe. I was swallowing my own saliva. "Earth to Harry."he waved infront of me. "Yeah, something that your mom made."I smirked. He was shocked to be honest. I just say that in front of Trisha. I'm not ashamed of it at all. He's mine and I'm going to have it soon.

"How about some muffins?Would you like the strawberry or chocolate?"he tried again. This time I answered properly by saying strawberry muffin.
He went inside the kitchen and come back with a plate of tiny strawberry muffins. Seriously they look too cute to eat. I picked one and taste it. It was so fucking good. As it reach my tongue,it melted away which only make me want more of it. I moaned because of the taste.

"Trisha,I don't know how you made this but this is seriously good."I said while having some muffins in my mouth. "It's just my secret recipe darling,I can teach you if you want." She said excited. "For sure Trisha,I love baking myself. I could bake some for Zayn too next time. " I looked at him and he was smiling at me. I can say it's a fake smile.

"Mommy, someone name Niall is at the door." Safaa shouted from the other side of the house. Shit,I forgot about Niall. "Oh, Trisha its my friend. He went to look around just now. Can he stay with us too?"I asked politely while making a puppy eyes. She laughed and said "Sure Harry, there are plenty of room right here. Let me get him in."then she leaves.

"Nice acting Harry"I heard Zayn said emotionless. "Listen Zayn,I have a lot of things to talk. So, tommorow we are going out to have a nice talk,only you and me. How is it?" I asked him. "We'll see about it Harry."he went back upstairs.

Niall come in and sat beside me. "Hye, Harry is that muffin?"he asked me after took a bite of it. "Yes it is Niall and can you stop taking my muffin." I told him when he try to take another muffin. "Sorry it tastes so good."he moaned . "Thanks to Trisha"I said rasing my hand up in the sky. " Here,have some more. Try this chocolate too." Trisha said putting a plate of chocolate and strawberry muffins. I could sense Niall's happiness. Well,tommorow I don't know what's going to happen. Hopefully everything went alright between us.

Well,kinda a long chapter. Hopefully you like it. Niall always ease the tension. I'll update soon. Stay safe everyone ✨Love you all

~Love J💚💛

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