Just how fast the night changes

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Zayn's POV

It's 17 of December,1 month since this angel born,one month since Gigi gone. Khai is really growing up fast. I just realise she has dimples just like Harry.

She really loves her dada more even though sometimes she would cry for my presence

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She really loves her dada more even though sometimes she would cry for my presence. She is really growing up so fast and I don't want it to happen.

"Zee,c'mon help me decorate this tree. I can't kneel with my big belly." Haz said sweat forming in his forehead.

"How the hell you are sweating on winter?" I asked disbelief not what I saw. Well,my baby is unique.

"Language Zayn. This swear jar is going to be full in month"

"Its not my fault. It's yours. You make me curse " I said making an innocent face.

"Don't make an innocent face when you are not." He said pushing me lightly.

"I'm innocent" I said with a pout.

"Fine drama queen. Help is needed here " he said. He try to kneel down which I stopped him.

"What now babe?"he asked annoyed.

"Sit in this nice comfortable couch I bought you."I said carrying him to the couch.

"Nothing's interesting about this couch."he said with a pout.

"It is interesting. It came with our colour,green and gold." I said which he only notice.

"Why I didn't notice this before ?"he asked running the couch.

"Because you are an idiot."he make a pout and fake an anger.

"You are my beautiful idiot" I said kissing his lips. Then,I heard cries from Khai's room. Harry slowly gets up from the couch but I ignore him and brought the baby down.

"You should've told me that you are going to bring her. I won't waste my energy by standing."he said pissed by my action

"Look who's angry. Dada is angry." I tickles Khai and the next minute Harry was smiling,playing with Khai. How adorable are they?

"Ow, Zayn the babies are kicking. C'mon feel it." Harry said excitement all over face.

I gently put my hands and they still moving. I can feel little gestures. They follow my hands. Finally I could feel them.

"Hye babies,it's daddy here." They kicked even stronger. Harry hissed in pain. "Don't kick Dada's belly. You both are hurting him." I said rubbing slowly. They stop but one of them continue again.  Stubborn just like me.

Khai pulled me by my arm to gain my attention. She is a jealous type. She doesn't like if I talk with anyone. I wonder what would happen when the babies are born.

"Zee,whatever you are thinking right now,it's overthinking. You should stop that." Harold said.

Well,Harry always prove himself right . I'm always wrong. No point being a father Malik.

"Babe,stop with your overthinking skills." Harry said rolling his eyes.

"How you know what I'm thinking right now?"

"Look on your face proofs it. I don't need to bring detective to know what you thinking." He sassed while I huffed.

"Whatever. I want to make pancakes. Do you want some?" I said heading to kitchen.

"With strawberries please" he shouted bringing Khai upstairs.

Harry's POV

We are munching some pancakes right now. Damn delicious. Zayn really should be a chef.

"Can you stop moaning? You're making me hard right here" Zayn said with a pink cheeks.

I tease him with a loud moan which he squeeze his eyes shut,trying to control it.

"Babe,stop it please." He said desperate.

"Fine,but I will help with that later" I said pointing to his erection.

"So,have you decide our baby name yet?" He asked which makes me realise that we haven't talk about the name.

"Oh yeah,I totally forgot about it. Have you gotten a name?" I asked with stuffed mouth.

"Yeah actually." He said holding my hands.

"C'mon share it with me." I asked which he gives me a smirk.

"No,not until you got into labour" he said which I make a pout.

"I'm not telling baby boy's name too" I said faking an anger.

"Fine,deal." He said and bringing the plates to wash it. I thought he would say her name is I said I wont tell him but he just left it. This man is really complicated.

"Zee babe,I'm gonna lay a bit. I'm tired ." I said heading upstairs.

He run like it's an Olympic and reach to me holding me tight. He was breathing hard.

"Zee,what happened? Why did you run? Did you see ghost or something?" I asked concerned from his behaviors.

"No,just...I don't want ...you to..go upstairs ...without my ...support." he said panting.


"Babe,you could ask me to wait up. I will wait until you come. Don't run like this again. It scared me." I said making a serious tone.

"Sure,now let's go upstairs. Hold my hands." He said holding my hands tightly. He guided me until upstairs and prepare the bed. He turn on the heater. I still can see his hard member .

"Zee,I haven't blow it up for you." I said trying to get up but the bed just pulled me down.

"It's not even a problem babe. I will handle it." He said and kiss my forehead. "I will join in awhile."he said and closed the door. Slowly the sleep took over me.

I could feel warmer when I feel someone hugging me tight. It's Zayn. He spoon me and give me all his warmth. His shampoo is driving me crazy. I can't wait until I can make love with him again. He's so perfect.

"Babe,aren't you asleep? And who's the perfect person you are blabbering about?"he said with a smirk. He obviously know who it is.

"It's someone name Alberto. Remember him?"I said . It's now my turn to smirk. His possesiveness is showing.

"If you are not pregnant by now,I probably rip you apart." He said and bring me closer to him. I left some giggles and kiss his neck. He just got a new tattoo around his sexy neck. He add 25, which means a lot for us. It's basically our wedding day.

"Zayn,for our next honeymoon I want to make you tattoes." I said which he gave a questioned look.

"Honeymoon with three of our kids?" He asked.

"No babe,we will let them have fun with our mom or Snig or maybe Niall and Liam. "

"Well then I'm always ready for number 4."he said winking at me.

"You're a pervert ass."

"You are the reason of my horny self . Don't blame me " he said with a laugh.

I groaned. He kissed behind my ear and we both fall asleep with each other's arms.

So,a lot of things going on. Gigi vogue interview. But I'm fucking excited for Zayn's live tommorow. I'm gonna die if I missed it again. I already missed it twice. I probably lose my sleep just to see him smile and talking and maybe eating. Okayy enough of my fangirlingggg. Have a nice day. Stay safe loves ❤️✨

~Love J 💚💛

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