Stop your crying baby

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Zayn's POV

It's been more than 6 hours and I could hear our babies are crying. Oh my god,they usually had their food in 2 hours.

"Hye,can you let me feed them some milk" I said to the dickhead.

He think for awhile and said, "Nope". What I exactly think he would say.

"Please only this time. Next time let Harry feed them,please "I said begging.

He sighed and asked his other mask guy to tied down my leg. I walked slowly to a room which they guide me to. I saw three of them laying in an old bed with no support at sides. I cried looking at them. They looked really tired and hungry. They even looked weak.

"Please bring me three bottle of milk. You can beat me up later." I said not ready to fight with them. Soon a guy came with three bottles of milk. He closed the door after enter the room. He give me the bottles which I gave them to drink. They really took it and finish it fast. Then,I whisper soft comforting things to them. " I'm sorry love " I said and kissed each one of them. They drifted to sleep which makes my heart light a bit. I saw the mask guy removed his mask.

"Hye ,I'm Noah. You know I can't even stand to look at your struggles. This night when everyone when to sleep I borrow you a phone and you called anyone but not 911. I don't want to get caught by Austin. " He said and wear his mask again.

"I'm really happy that there are still people who have heart. Thank you Noah. And I guess the one name Austin is that guy right?" I said giving my weak smile.

"Yeah,the want who rape ...." He trailed but I stopped him.

"I didn't rape him. They asked me to but I denied. I went inside the room and talked the exact thing I talked to you but he asked me to give you my phone. " He said.

" Well thank you for everything Noah. Don't worry if police arrives,I will let you out and give you a proper job at my office" I said handing my hand for a shake. He took and shake but I pulled away when he touched one of the bruises.

"I'm sorry"

"It's fine,now let's head out" I said. He pushed me out when he saw others looking at us curiously. Then,I got tied up again. The other people around the room was naked. It makes me anxious and I'm scared. What they're going to do now?

"Malik,I want to rip you apart " he said bring his dick closer to my mouth. I keep bring my head to a different position. He hold a handful of my hair and steady me up. He pushed his dick until the end of my throat. I can't breath. He keep move in until the end of his dick. Tears coming from my eyes. He shoot every little thing of his cum into my  mouth. I feel dirty and disgusted by myself. Then,he pulled away my pants which expose my skin.

"Cool tattoos you got there. " He said and open me apart.

He pushed inside my hole which I scream louder. No,I have to keep shut. I don't want Harry to worry about me. But, I can't do it. My mouth keep screaming. The pain is vunerable. I feel like my hole is rip apart just like he said. He bit my lip and use his knife to give a scratch around my torso.

"You both a same heart tattoo uh? Let me broke the heart" he said give several cuts around our couple tattoo. Blood just flows out like a river along with my tears. Then, he removed his stinky dick from my hole then grabbed me by my collar. He push me to the wall and started to punch me. Me as a weak person just try to avoid his hits. He always hit my stomach which is empty without food. I cough out my blood. He then get tired and leave the room. They throw me a pack of expired bread which already have fungus on it. I still ate it to keep survive.

I haven't seen Harry yet. I don't know how he is now. He probably hurting right now. Life doesn't want us to be happy is it? Everytime we figured something out,something come out of nowhere. Well,its just my luck. But,I won't give up until I rescue my Harry and my babies. I promise this to my HAROLD. Yes,I can do it. But,all the other people in the room took turn to rip me apart more.

Niall's POV

Well,right now the police is checking the places. There's no sign if robbery. We confirm its kidnap. The guard gave us some news about the kidnapper. All of them were wearing mask and they came in a truck. Cctv is not helping since they covered their number plate. I groaned not knowing what to do.

"Don't worry Mr Payne,we will find them." One of the officer confront me.

I just let a heavy sigh. Where are you guys?

Updated! Although it's small chapter. Keep reading love and give me some votes, comment and follow. I love you guys. Stay safe 💓

~Love J  💚💛✨

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