Yellow Metal

167 15 9

Harry's POV

I sighed to myself since I'm still tired but I promised that Bieber guy that I'm coming. I invite Veronica and Marcel along since I don't want to be alone there. Gibson excuse himself since he's not feeling well.

Here we are, in front of the Bieber mansion. By the look, it should be more than 200 people inside. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell what I'm wearing.

(He was really drunk that night 👆💕)A yellow blazer since I miss my golden boy

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(He was really drunk that night 👆💕)
A yellow blazer since I miss my golden boy. I went inside and the music was pounding inside my ears.

All three of us go to the small bar and grab our drinks. I decide to take a light one since I'm don't really want to get drunk.

"HYE HARRYYYYY!" I heard Justin shouted right in my ear. I did jumped a bit but I keep it cool.

"Hi Justin, nice party" I said sipping my drink.

"Thanks! Who are they?!" He asked pointing my assistant and worker.

"Well,this is Veronica and this is Marcel "

"Nice to see both of you. Both are sexyyyyyy" he said making them uncomfortable for sure.

"Why don't you both go dance?" I said and they nodded before dissapear in the dance floor.

"HARRYYYYY! What are you drinking?"

"Just a cocktail" I said laughing nervously.

"What? You're pregnant?"

"What? No!"

"Then loosen up a bit. Yo, Mark. Give my man The Party Devil drink."

"On your way dude" he said started to do kind of shuffling and give it to me.

"Well, Justin. I'm not really a big drinker." Lie to yourself. You used to drink a lot before love Zayn.

"Just for a night Harry! Only a night. Please take it for me" he said begging me. This guy is impossible.

I brought the cup near me and smell the strong alcohol. No way I'm drinking that. I pretended to take a sip and make face like it burns.

"Yo,it's a nice combo" I said coughing. Well,fake cough.

"That's my boy. Keep drinking,I will be right back." I rolled my eyes and asked Mark to change my drink.

"Don't like it mate?" Mark asked me and I just shrugged.

"Not in the mood for heavy stuff." He hand me a vodka which I gradually take. I looked back at the dance floor and saw Marcel and Veronica dancing like couples. Wait, are they couples?
They did snog and fuck, Marcel is a fucking great dancer. Both are made in heaven. Let's make a ship name. Uhm, Meronica? Eww,that's awful. Varcel? Not bad. How about Verocel or Maronica? How about-

"Looking good Styles"

Oh no, not this bitch again. I snapped my head at him and saw Ben burping. And he smells like alcohol.

"Haven't I told you to fuck off?" I huffed and gulped down my drink. This bitch is getting in my nerves.

"Don't be rude baby. Don't ya know how much I need you?"

"Why don't you just die somewhere? Where's your TPWK Harry? I don't give a shit and shut up for a minute brain.

"Aww angry kitty." He said sliding his hand around my waist like a snake he is. I wanna throw up when he called me that. I feel like I got an idea to escape this bitch.

I hold my stomach like I'm gonna throw up and making a sick face.

"Babe? You okay?" He asked but I pushed him and went to the toilet and closed the door shut. I patted myself. Nice act Styles.

I guess he didn't follow me since I can't hear him on the other side of door. I slowly open the door and met no one outside. I went to my drink and took a big gulped on it.

This sweating people are keep getting sweatier and hornier. Everyone is making out just infront of everyone and it's making me feel sick for real.

Thank God that fucking Ben dissapear somewhere. Why don't you have fun Harry? Go dance, it's now or never. My heart told me,so I went with flow.

My body follow the music and I feel....dizzy? Why am I feeling dizzy? I never take anything strong. I try to steady myself but I failed. I dropped to the floor. I can't open my eyes nor move my body. How if those drunk ass people step on me? But, before anything could happen someone lift me up.

Zayn's POV

Hiya people,this is Zayn's cuppycake. please leave a message after I said banana. BANANA

Crap,another voicemail.

"Harreh, please call me after got this. I'm worried. I love ya, take care" I said keeping my phone down .

He told me he will call me after the party he went. It's already 1am and he still haven't call me. Maybe he's asleep.

Maybe. I need to stop worrying because if I worry then I will get anxiety which lead to anxiety attack. I can't handle that alone and I might die. I sighed and went downstairs to grab some juice.

I gulped down the whole glass and decided to take a little sit in the couch. But, god knows how long I am sitting looking at the wall.

"Zayn? What are you doing at this time in the living room?" It was my dad.

"Oh, nah. I just can't sleep. Chill,it's only 1am dad" I said and stretched myself.

"Son? Are you alright?" He asked put his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah I am good."

"Zayn,it's not 1am. It's already past 4am."

"Wait? That fast? I feel like I just sat there."

"Just forget it. Go and have some sleep son" he said pushing me lightly to the stairs.

"But why are you awake?"

"I always wake up at 4 to prepare myself for jog and work."

"But,it's too early for jog."

"I prefer that time since I don't like people around me" he shrugged and leave me alone with my thoughts.

I went back to my bed,grabbed my phone. No call from Harreh. I sighed and put my phone in the nightstand. Where are you Harreh?


What do you think will happen? Leave your thoughts. Like usual i love all of you so much. If you love me too, vote and comment. Stay safe and stay strong❤❤

~Love J💛💚✨

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