who's top? who's bottom?

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Harry's POV

I am excited more than Zayn does. He promise he gonna spend the day with me and I'm gonna ride him. It's been too long since I had taste his white seeds. I have to remind myself to not say anything about the girl he slept with. Basically I just lied to him by telling a mirror fell right onto him. But he did ask me, "we got a lot of maids. Why we were doing the house work." The moment he asked that I nearly got grounded. But,I manage to say " It's after 6 Zayn. The maids were back home." Thankfully he believe all the little lies I told him.

Now, I'm baking some muffins since he's craving for it. He's watching Joker. He still look perfect with those little scratches. I put the muffins in a tray and head to the living room to join him. I kiss his forehead before giving him some. He was moaning for each bite. It does turn me on.

"Haz,this is so good" he said muffin in his mouth.

"Yeah? That was your mom's recipe. I can't do better than hers"

"No Harold. This is damn good. The same homemade muffin I adore. The only difference is this is made by my love"

" You flirty zebra. I love you so much"
I press my lips to his. We taste each others mouth like there's no tommorow. We break the kiss. I could feel his member from the soft cloth his wearing.

"Let's head to the room. I have more to explore."he said more like whisper to my ears.

He push me to the bed. He was removing his shirt and his small shorts revealing his hard member. He kiss me once more before undressing me. One hand squeezing the nipples and the other hand working on removing the boxer. I moan louder. I bit his earlobe which in return he bit my nipples. My member stood up straight. He has that smirk on his face before he took my member and stroke it slowly. I moaned enjoying the pleasure. Then,he replace his hand to his mouth. His hot mouth working on my member. He hit until the end of his throat. I could feel my body getting hot. I couldn't hold anymore. I just shoot my cum without any warning. Zayn still manage to drink up all the white seeds. He look at me, intertwine our hands.

"Harry,I want to ride you"

Those words really turn me on.

"Are you sure Zayn? You are not used to be the bottom. And you said it hurts you so much."

"I maybe have already been a bottom but I want you to have your first top moment with me."

"But Zayn,I don't want to hurt you."

"I know you won't hurt me. That's why I'm trusting you. Please let me ride you Harry."

I smile a little before I change the position. Zayn is laying on the bed and I'm up against him. I kiss his lips,savouring all the taste before I head to his nipple. I just lick his nipple which earns a load moan from him. He sucks my fingers. I open him wide before giving some tongue to his hole. He moans loader. Zayn grabs a handful of hair. I keep licking until I could get enough. Honestly,I couldn't get enough. I grab a condom and a lube. I push one of my fingers into the hole and Zayn was squeezing his eyes shut. He moans,fsce red as tomato.
I push another finger,this time he was crying.

"Zayn,am I hurting you?"

"No. Ke-ep movv-ving."

I add one more finger and started to move slowly. He was moaning hard. I guess he get use to it. I kiss his lips harder.

"Zayn,if it hurts just tell me. I will stop. Okay babe?"

He nodded.

I remove my fingers and push my long,thick member into his hole. He was moaning loader now. He just close his eyes,lips open wide.

"I will move now okayy?"

I move slowly and keep increasing my speed. I could sense his moans escaping from his mouth. Finally,he enjoying it. His moans are really high pitched.

I could feel myself getting close.

"Babe,let's cum together yeah?"

He nodded furiously.

And the next moment,I cum inside of him and he cum onto our stomach.

I give him another peck on the lips before removing my dick from his hole. He's tired and we are full of sweats.

"Zaynie,let's have a hot shower before go to bed. I swear it would help you with your soreness."

"Yeah,I don't want to walk limping everywhere."

I hold him bridal style and bring him to the tub. I open the hot water and let him sit there inside. I join him later with a body scrub and a duckling.

"Harry,this is so good. It really makes it better. Thank you"

"You're welcome. You done a great job just now Zayn and Im proud of you"

I scrub his body and he continues , "You yourself is not bad either Harry. Seriously you got a huge down there"
He laughed.

"What do you expect? Small like a pencil?" We laugh together.

"I don't know what I would expect but definitely not a pencil"

"Glad to know then."

"Next time I'm gonna tie you up and then let you beg for me"Zayn said which makes my face turn red.

"Sure Daddy" I tease him

"Baby teasing me uh? I would fuck you right here if I don't have a sore butt. You are lucky"

"No,I'm not lucky because I couldn't get to taste your dick."

"I'll make it up soon babe. Sooner than ever. I let you ride me" he wink at me.

We have a nice chitty chat before we have a nice satisfied sleep. I hope whoever he sleeps with doesn't show up at our mansion again. Or will she?

Okay, guys. A nice bottom Zayn smut. Seriously I've been thinking about Zayn as bottom and I really want to add them in this story . I hope this satisfies. So,Zayn's album Nobody is Listening just came out today. All the songs are damn good. If I have to choose my favorite it would be outside and windowsill. Those two grab my attention when the first time I listened to them. That doesn't mean i don't like the others. Even When Love's around is cool too. Make sure to stream the hell out the album. Zayn need our support. Make sure to comment and vote for this chapter if you like it. I'm sorry if I made any mistake. Stay safe darlings. 💖✨

~Love J 💚💛

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