I want you here with me

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Niall's POV

Both of them fainted and when the nurse let them lay down,I saw blood stain around their seat. My heart just break. This babies are crying right now. They look terribly skinny and weak.

"Oh my god,they had been raped" the nurse saying makes me cry hard. What did they do to deserve this? When we arrive at hospital, they push both of them into ICU. Doctors are scaring me away. They cover their expression with their mask. Different doctors went inside and come back outside saying nothing. Just then Snig and Tom arrive along with Styles and Malik family.

"What happened?" Momma Malik asked. Honestly I have no answers. When they ask me why they didn't call us,we just lie saying they went for holiday. She was really suspicious. But,somehow we manage it. But,now how could I lie anymore? The truth must be out.

When I try to open my mouth,Lima interrupted. " Mrs. Malik, everything is fine. They got food poisoned. That's it. " He said holding my shoulder tightly. She nodded and inform it to others as well. They show some relieved face. Now I know why.

"Don't tell them now,babe. They need to calm down first. I don't want them to have heart attack since Yaser had a attack once." He said whispering. I nodded.

"Snig,hold one of these babies. I need the toilet urgently." I said and leave the place. Even Snig and Tom doesn't know they got raped. It's a big topic to talk about. We don't know why the fucker did that.

I went inside the toilet and slammed the door. I cried feeling weak. Those two precious people. Then,somebody knocked on my door. "It's occupied" I said .

"Babe,it's me." Lima said. Hearing his voice making me cry more. I open the door and embrace Liam. I cried on his shoulder.

"They will be alright babe. Don't worry." He said kissing my hair.

I just keep silent,letting my tears flow. Then,we exit the toilet.

I saw Snig and Tom no longer holding the babies.

"Where are the babies?" I asked panic.

"Doctor took them away. They said the babies need some check up too" Snig said.

Snig came closer and whisper in my ear. " They're fine right?"

I feel like my heart is stomped by a giant. I hold my tears back.

"Yeah they are good." I said clearing my throat.

She nodded and right that moment the doctor came out.

" Family of Mr.Styles Malik? " He asked.

"Yeah we are here" I said volenturing first.

"Well,both of them have a blood lost. They're anus is really hurt and it is virus infected for both of them. I see they been used some kind of things to rape him but for Zayn it's mostly a gangrape. A lot of blood clot all over their bodies. Bruises and cuts is really obvious here. We are trying our best to keep them good." He said and leave the place.

Yaser Malik come to me and slammed me at the door. " What happened to my sons!? Tell me Horan!" He screamed just enough for my ear canal to burst.

The rest of them is trying to cool down him. I kneed down crying.  "They got kidnapped for 3 days. Then,he raped them and abuse them." I said crying my heart out. All of them were shocked. Anne and Trisha were crying. Yaser stood there pale. His eyes didn't even blink any tears.

The whole hospital hallway was silent. We are waiting for the doctors. It's around 5pm. Then,the doctor appear.

"Harry is perfectly fine. He is awake now. Try to give him some food since they starve him for three days." He said leaving.

"What about Zayn?" Yaser asked.

The doctor sighed," we can't tell anything about him now".

"But doctor he is my son" Yaser shouted. Trisha try to cool him down.

"We know sir but right now we don't have any answers. I'm sorry "

The doctor turn his heels and dissapear. For the first time I saw Yaser cried. He sit down crying his hard out.

Anne and Trisha went inside to see Harry.

Harry's POV

I opened my eyes to find that I'm laying in a hospital bed. Everything is full of white. I feel like I just born in this world. It's been a long day since I saw the light,the sun,my family,my babies and my Zaynie. Where's Zaynie? Oh yeah he fainted too.

Such then,my both mama is nearing me with a small smile.

"Mommies!" I said and trying to get up. I hissed in pain since I still haven't recovered from the pain. They approach me saying just lay. I obeyed them and lay. Both of them give me a sad smile.

"My little boy, is everything good?" My mom asked which I nodded.

"Sonshine,here eat some soup" Trisha said feeding me some food. I feel greatful to have a beautiful and kind mom like them. I haven't really taste good food for awhile. This soup is extraordinary. I literally enjoy it. I mean this food is better compared to the cockroaches I ate. I dont even know how I literally swallow them.

"Mom, where's Zayn?" I asked exciting to see him again.

"He is resting too love." Trisha said with a smile. 

"Oh,which room is he?"

"He's two room after you baby" mommy said. I nodded but I can't really hide the feeling to meet him.

"Can we go and see him?" I asked really excited.

They looked at each other before answering. "No darling,we can't go now. Doctors didn't allow us" Trisha said. I furrowed my brows.

"Why is that? They let you to visit me."

"It's different baby, Zayn need more rest than you" My mommy said.

"I dont care,I want to see him now!" I shouted. They really got scared I know but it's not really important.

"Honey,the doctors are still checking on him. We can't just interuppt their work" Anne said stroking my hair.

I finally gave up but I'm not gonna sleep until I met Zayn. But,I feel sleepy. No,I need to see Zaynie. But..sleep took over me.

New chapter, do you think I'm gonna let you guys get away that fast. NO WAY! Haahahah so just wait until the next chapter. I dont know when it would be out. Leave your thoughts. I need to know. Thank you for all your love. Stay safe 💗😌

~Love J 💚💛✨

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