Gonna be better

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Harry's POV

Yo,it's Zayn. I might be busy with my husband. Leave a message after I said Vas Happenin. VAS HAPPENIN!

I already called him about 16 times and he's not picking. It's literally 2 am. I don't know where he is. So,I try to ease myself with some drinks. I open the fridge to find some beer chilling waiting for me. I grabbed all of them although I hate beer. I gulped down a first shot and it seriously burn my throat. I literally finish 3 tins in 15 fifteen minutes. I feel drowsy but I feel like I need beer to keep living this harshful life.

I let myself crashed the couch. I have no strength to go upstairs. The dimlight doing nothing but make my mind overthink. I throw those thoughts away and focus more on drinking. After drinking for almost like 1 hour,my stomach started to do something inside. I could feel my stomach to twist and I could feel my esphagus burning. I try my best to reach the toilet but I end up throw up at the floor. I couldn't get up and I feel like I got beaten up. I spend the rest of my night in the cold floor. Almost like a beggar.


I groaned myself to get up from the cold floor. Wait.......this is not floor. This is so soft and warm. Please don't tell me I got kidnapped again. I slowly flickered my eyes open. I am at my bed. I try to got up but headache come first. I groaned to myself and I found painkiller and a glass of water in the nightstand. Is Zayn's here?

I pushed away the headache and went downstairs. I try to steady myself because of the hangover. I could smell he's making us breakfast. I fastened myself to embrace me. But,it's no other than Louis. What is he doing here?

He turn around after feel my presence. " Finally, you're up. I thought you will be sleeping until the next day cause the alcohol you consume." He said sassily. Of course, sassy head. I rolled my eyes.

" Where's Zayn? Why are you here? What are you doing in my kitchen? How the hell you come inside my house? How did I end up at my bed? How-" he cut me off.

" Oh god stop asking questions. I will answer if you eat lunch."

" It's still morning idiot"

" How drunk are you Harry? It's 2 pm for fucking sake."

I facepalm myself. This is so embarrassing. Oh no,how about the babies?

I didn't respond to Louis. I just run up to nursery after some tripping. I open the door to find my mom cooeing with the babies. She turned around and give a small smile.

"See your smelly dada. He's dirty. We don't wanna be like dada are we?" She said blowing some raspberries around their tummy.

" Mom,I miss you." I hugged her tightly. I didn't even notice some tears escape from my eyes.

"Baby boy, why you're crying?" She said wiping those tears.

"I just miss you" LIE

" Is that so darling?"

"Yeah mom. I miss you so much" LIE AGAIN ASSHOLE. I just met her last week.

After made both of them asleep,we both got down to have a lunch with Louis. The whole dinner I would swirling my fork around the plate. I didn't eat much and it end up my mom feeding me.

"Mom, stop it. I'm not your baby" I said pushing away her arms.

"You're always my baby boy" she said pinching my cheek.

I accept the fact and gave in. After some pouting and begging,we finished our lunch.

"God,I'm full" I heard Louis said after a loud burp.

"You both go ahead to the living room. Let me do the dishes" My mom said.

No mom. Wrong move. I am not ready to talk with him alone.

" Are you sure Mrs. Styles?"

"Yes love and no formality"

I sighed loud and go to the living room. He sat right infront of me. I keep picking my nail until my nail polish came off. You're an idiot Styles.

" You have nothing to worry about Styles. Zayn is at my house"

I shoot my head up by his words.

"What do you mean? Did you kidnap him? I swear to God Louis I will kill you" I said pointing my fingers to him.

He started to laugh at me which makes me boiled even more.

" Sorry sorry. I didn't kidnap him. I give him a place to stay Harry. He said he needed time."

"He hates me is it?" My eyes started to fill up.

"Why would he hate you? If he does,why he ask me to check on you?"

I sniffles and started to cry even more. Louis got up and hugged me. " It will be alright. Don't worry. He needs some space." I suddenly felt uncomfortable around his arms. I pulled away from the hug but still grateful for his help.

" Thank you Louis"

" Well thank you won't be enough."

I looked shocked. He laughed it off.

" Oh my god. I was just kidding. You should seen your face." I groaned and pinch his arms.

He hissed in pain. My mom entered the room. " I know there's something wrong. That's why I passed by. Why didn't you tell me Harry?"

When she called me by name,it means serious. My throat gets tighter. " I-i just don't want to trouble you. You seems to be ha-happy and I don't want to trouble you with my sad story." I said looking at my feet.

"Honey, you know you can always count on me right?"

"Yes mom. I'm sorry"

She hugged me tight and sooth me with some soft words.

After a long pause. " So, it's Zayn's birthday next week. What you gonna do?" Louis asked.

My god,I really forget it.

"The best present I could get is get his relationship with his babies better. But,how should I?"

Suddenly,a question came up from my head. "Lou,are you doing well with the babies?"

"Yeah,they seems good with me"

"Oh my god. I know how I can do it and I got a nice birthday present for him. "

"Louis,you should hold Zayn at your place. I need myself to come after him this time. He deserves it."

After a long ass conversation,we made a great plan. We agreed and Louis went back home. My mom stayed with me since I need help. This is gonna be good.

What do you think the plan is? Tell me about it. I'm seriously tired and I need break from the world. But ToBegin Again is helding my heart still. Anyway,I love you all so much. Thank you for reading. Stay safe 💝 😘✨

~Love J 💛💚

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