Little things only

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Harry's POV

I was sleeping in a same bed as him. Well, we're currently acting infront of his parents. His warmth is so good that I wish I could cuddle with him. His freaking shampoo and cologne is killing me. And his room has this  cigarettes smell. I think it's hot.

But I can't sleep at all. I was thinking about what should I talk with Zayn. How if I tell him my secret and he won't tell his? How if he leaves me? God I need some break from my thoughts. So I went downstairs to grab some water. I went down really really quiet because it's 3 am in the morning. I tiptoe until I reached down there. Then, I went to the fridge to grab a cold water. The water wash away all the shits that I had.

As I was drinking my water,someone my back. I nearly jump out of my skin. It's Niall. I nearly chocked .

"Niall, are you a fucking ghost? You almost killed me you fucker." I glared at him.
"I'm sorry Haz,I'm just hungry. Since this is Zayn's house,there is nothing for me to eat. So if you can...."he looked at me with a puppy eyes.
"If I can? What Niall?"I asked him still glaring. "Can you follow me to nandos?It's really not far from here."he asked showing his biggest smile.
"Nop"I said pressing the p longer than it should. "Pretty please"he said looking at me like a baby. Fuck,he know I can't resist that.
"Fine,let me take my coat first. It's freezing outside."
"Yaaayyyyy,I love you Harry." He hugged me tightly. "Yeah,yeah now leave me. You could broke spine you idiot." He laughed like a psychopath.

When I went inside Zayn's room,I found himself sitting at the corner of the bed. This time I screamed and quickly shut my mouth with my own hands. Why the fuck is he sitting like a freaking ghost without any light.

"Haz,be quiet. Everyone is sleeping." he said almost whispering. "I won't scream if you didn't sit like a ghost without any light on." I said in a annoyed tone. I grabbed my coat and head out. "Where are you going?"I heard him asking me. "Niall's hungry. Going to Nandos. Do you need anything?" I asked him with a small smile. He got up and walk towards me. Before I could say anything,he tell me to be careful and give a quick kiss in the lips. I was really surprised. His lips is so soft and I want to kiss him more. I feel my heart beating faster and i was making myself awkward by still standing at his room. He was laughing like crazy when he found my face all red like a tomato. I closed the door and went downstairs to meet Niall grinning like an idiot.

"What?"I asked him. "I saw it"he said still grinning like a freaking serial killer. "Saw what?"
"You were kissing Zayn and you stand there still for like two minutes and embarrassed yourself."he said laughing like crazy. "Niall,shut up or I won't follow you. " I told him while my face was still red. "Okay,I'll stop let's go."he said excited to eat.

The whole walk with Niall only remimd me of Zayn. His kiss,his lips. God,it's addictive. Niall just ordered family meal and he can't even hold the plastics. "Harry, help me hold this please?"he asked exhausted from holding it. I took it from him. "This what will happen when you're eating a family meal alone" I said almost like a dad telling a kid. "Shut up Harry, you're just jealous that I can eat a lot and still not fat." Well that's true. Sometimes I just feel jealous of his stomach. He won't even gain anything.

When we reach home, Niall straightaway when to the kitchen to take some plates. He took all the things from the plastics and have it all alone. He don't even give me some. When I try to take some,he glared at me and say don't touch. I sighed and decided to go back to sleep since it's 4:43 am. When I get upstairs,I slowly open the door hoping not to wake up Zayn. But he was writing something.

"Hye you're back"he greeted me with a small smile. "Hye,what are you writing?"I asked curiously. "Oh this is just a song I'm writing."he said like it's not a big deal. "Wow, I didn't know you are good at writing songs. I'm good at it too."I told him proudly. "I know you're good at it Harry. Well,do you want to hear this song?"he said which really breaks my heart. He knows a lot of things about me but me knows nothing about him. "Sure,let's hear it out"I said excitedly. He started to sing his heart out while strumming his guitar.

Your hand fits mine like it made just for me
But bare this in mine it was meant to be
And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles in your cheeks
And it all makes sense to me

I know you never love the crinkles by your eyes when you smile
You never love your stomach or.your thighs
The dimples in the back at the bottom of your spine
It all makes sense to me

The way he looks at me when singing this is so romantic. His eyes shining brighter than the whole stars and his voice is damn perfect.

I won't let this little things slip out of my mouth
But if I do,it's you it's you they add up to
And I'm in love with you and these little things

The chorus is so fucking beautiful and I cried on how perfect it is. "Harreh,are you alright? Why are you crying?" He asked me concernly. I told him I'm fine and I asked him to continue.

You can't go to bed without a cup of tea
Maybe its the reason you talk in your sleep
And all those conversation are the secrets that I keep
Oh it makes sense to me

I know you never love the sound of your voice in a tape
You never want to know how much you weigh
You still have to squeeze into your jeans
But you're perfect to me

I won't let this little things slip out of my mouth
But if it's true,it's you,oh it's you they add up to
And I'm in love with you
And all these little things

You never love yourself half as much as I love you
You never treat yourself right darling but I want you to
If I let you know I'm here for you
Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you,ohh

I just have to let these things slip out of my mouth
And if I do,it's you,it's you oh it's you they add up to
And I'm in love with you
And all these little things

He ended the song. It is so beautiful just like him. He was still waiting for response. "It was perfect"I told him and I can't stop myself from hugging him so tightly. We stay like that for awhile. Then,he let me take a nap on his lap under the moonlight. I was getting comfortable and end up sleeping on him. I could feel his lips touch mine before he headed us to the bed. I hug him tightly and we cuddle together. We shared our body heat. I guess I'm falling for him harder. The best night I ever had with him.

( I love this picture so much,just see how happy they are with Harry's arm around Zayn

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( I love this picture so much,just see how happy they are with Harry's arm around Zayn. So much love right here)
Awww❤️ aren't they cute? Zayn just express his love through the song. Harry is falling for him too. So what might happen in next chapter where both will open up about their past. I'm excited for the next chapter. Comment down what you think about this chapter. Thanks for all the supports I'm getting. I feel incredible joining this zarry families.Will update it sooner. Stay safe. Zarry forever ✨❤️

~Love J💚💛

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