Walking a tightrope

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Zayn's POV

"Zaynnnnnnnn" I heard Harreh's deep morning voice. I didn't flickered my eyes open instead just hummed.

"Momma's been calling for like the past hours" he said throwing my phone.

Oh no! I never told her anything.

I open my eyes slowly and the sunlight burns my eyes. Who the fuck opens the curtain. I unlock my phone and found 58 missed calls from mom with 127 messages from her. Damn , she must be fucking worried by now.

Here messages following:

Zayn is everything alright?

What did they said?

Pick up your phone

Zayn istg

If you don't picked up I will be flying to NY

Imma kill you

Zayn, now I'm worried

Zayn, pick up the god damn phone

Sonshine,I might talked harshly but answer the phone

Is Harry alright?

Are you both arrested?


My boy?

Oh for fuck sake, pick up the god damn phone

Sorry for cursing



I have packed my bags

On my way

See you guys in 7 hours

And that's the end of her message. There's a lot more messages but mostly it's repeated . Oh god! I rubbed my face and I face Harreh who's sleeping peacefully. I won't let him sleep when I didn't have sleep.

I kicked his butt softly. He groaned but still sleeping. I went by his neck and blow some air. He's really sensitive about it. Which will make him mad.

"Zayn, stop doing that!" Will I stop? Of course no. I keep blowing until he slapped me.

I was caught up guarded. He slapped me and turn around. I didn't notice I am holding my cheek like it's going to fall to pieces. That's fucking hurts. Hazza gonna get a pay back. You wait Harreh.

I got up and stretched up a little. Oh fuck, before brush my teeth it would be great if I text mom.

We're alright mom

Not even a minute, she replied back

Oh thank god. Next time, tell me before you got inside each others throat.

I chuckled seeing that ,message a sorry along with a love you and put away the phone. I guess we need to go to the police station again.

I freshen up myself ignoring the anooying snores from Harreh. Yeah, you got me. It's a cute snore but right now I'm mad at him.

I decided to change my look once in a while. Hmm, what to do ? Yes, let's shave my beard and hair on the sides. I always look hot when I'm bald. But, I need something new. I mean I am usually hot.

I ran the razor over my beard and it cuts perfectly. Hmm, I need a shaver too since I want it clean clean. Let's go for the hair. We need time for that. Slowly and steadily,not win the race. Cut your hair. Nice, I just have to keep going. Left part done, now the right part. Slowly and gent-.

"What are you doing?" Harreh said while yawning which makes me so fucking scared that I shaved my whole hair. In one word, disaster.

"What the fuck Harreh?!" I shouted touching my hair. Oh my god, I have no bravery to look at myself right now.

"What? I didn't do anything?" He said still yawning and scratching his head. People say yawning is contagious but right now all I ever wanna do is kill him by my glares.

"Omg, hahaha Zayn. Look at yourself ajha. That's so ridiculous." He said laughing while holding his stomach. His dimples are showing. Doesn't mean I am not mad at him anymore. Maybe a little.

I didn't give myself a look on the mirror since it will be terrible. I shoved Harreh out of the bathroom and look at myself. No, no, no! My precious hair. I didn't even realise I'm crying over my hair.

"Are you crying babe?" I heard Harreh asked. This mothefucker.

"Get out from here Harreh!"

I didn't hear anything else so I decided to just shave everything from my head. Let's be bald. After a nice 3 minutes, I'm done. It doesn't take a lot of time since I already finished my work by Harreh's yawn. I stepped on the shower and wash my hair along with my body.

And now since I done bath, I wrapped the towel around my torso and headed out. What I saw is unbelievable. Harreh Freaking Ass Styles Malik is still sleeping. I smirked knowing what to do.

I got near him and leave some love bites around his neck. Then, since I'm already naked and only one cloth is covering it, my job is easier. And this beautiful idiot even made it easier by sleeping naked .I went down near Harreh's ass and started to eat him up. He started to moan by the sudden action but he quickly got used to it.

"Ahh Zaddy, more" he said moaning and throwing his head behind.

Then I rub my dick around his hole which makes him so impatient.

"Just put it inside already!"

And that's when I know, I should leave him desperated. I walked away from him like nothing happened and started to dress myself with a clean boxer, a blue jumper and a black pants.

I turned and looked at him. He's pouting and sitting like a duck he is. Wait, more like a frog.

"Wassup Froggie?" I said looking at him while com- , I mean looking at myself.

"You're so cruel Zayn" he said pouting.

"If you think I'm gonna fall for that, then no. Go and clean yourself up. We need to go the police station."

"It's your fault for making me wet"

"It's your fault I turned bald"

"But, it's still hot"

"I know, and you getting wet is hot too"

We both look at each other intensely. I broke the eye contact.

"Babe, we're already late."

"Fine fine but after we got back I want you" he said seductively and smack his ass before dissapear in the bathroom.

After 2 hours

"Yay,we can go back to Bradford." Harreh said swinging my intertwined hands. He's so cute.

"Let's pack our things and book a flight" I said opening my phone.

"Yeah, I miss my babies"

"I thought I'm your baby?" I said pouting.

He kiss away the pout.

"You're my daddy, not a baby" he said which really turned me on.

"Babeeee, fuck I'm turned"

"No babe, not now. We need a flight to catch up."

"Ah c'mon not me getting a karma now" I said aching with my boner.

"Fine, I promise you there will be a plane sex" he said winking and keep his clothes in a bag.

Plane sex sounds so interesting. Oh god, I need to stop thinking about sex.

Hye sweetpies, how are you? Hopefully everyone is doing good. It's a nice maybe boring chapter. But I promise it will get better. Thank you for reading. Stay safe and I love you

~Love J 💛💚

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