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Harry's POV

Things has been better than ever. It's been 3 months and we are good at coping with it. Zayn and dad are getting along. Sometimes our babies ask for their nanna but yeah just like she said, we are literally convincing them with her clothes. Safaa and Waliyha do miss their mom but I won't let them feel left out. Doniya is distancing from us but Zayn assured me that she is fine.

"Hye babe" Zayn hug me from the back and place some kisses on my neck.

"Hye good morning" I said turning and kiss him. He kept holding me like he's scared I'm gonna leave him. Apparently he had a nightmare one night and since then he is scared.

"Babe, I need to make breakfast for us" I said caressing his cheek. He still look at me with his sad eyes.

"I won't be leaving you" I whispered and he smiled,kissed my cheek and leave the kitchen.

I started to make some normal french toast with croissant. "Breakfast is ready" I chirped. The dining table is seated with total of 6 including myself. I sat in between Zayn and my mom. On the opposite side of mine is Yaser, Waliyha and Safaa.

We were eating silently until Yaser cleared his throat. All of us look at him. "I'm going to Trisha's 'home' in the evening. Would you like to come?"

We all agreed on going. After finishing the dish, Zayn help me with the plates. "Any plans tommorow tonight?" Zayn asked me. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow

"No why?"

"Because I want to take my husband out"

"Okay then, ask your husband don't ask me"

"Oh I wonder what's my idiot husband doing. Probably tripping on his own feet"

I splashed some water on him. "Shut up, I'm not that clumsy"

"You sure aren't"

"I'll loved to"


"I'll loved to join on a date with my hubby"

Just then he kissed my lips. "Let's go check on our babies."

All of them are playing. Al is sucking on his teething toy, Shas is playing with her bunny while Khai is holding a ball.

"Hi my little angels!" I cooed. Shas looked at me and made grabby hands towards me. I carried her and kiss her nose. She giggled and slap my cheek. I pretend that it hurts me and 'cried'. She made me look at her and she made a sad face. I smiled and kiss her in the cheek.

"Dada is fine darling" I said blowing raspberries on her stomach.

Zayn was carrying both babies because both are daddy's favourite. He is really good when it comes to parenting. He make sure he gives both of them the love they needed.

After playing with them for an hour,all of them decided to drift to sleep. We placed them in their cribs and sit on the couch.

We both looked at each other and he embraced me. I lay on his arms while he stroke my hair. His strong vanilla and cigarette smells,along with his minty breath, BREATHTAKING.


He hummed.

"Uhm i think uhm I might go back to work uhm from next week"

"That's great babe. You should handle your company." He said stroking my hair.

This is Zayn. He's always understanding when it comes to us. "when are you going back to work?"

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