People change

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Zayn's POV

"No mom, i-i". But my mom keep interuppting. "Listen to me for a se-"
" Don't blam-". I can't keeping up with her blabbers so I ended the call.

They just blame me when I didn't do anything. It's all Harry's fault. God, how much I hate him now? I dont know. She just think I'm the one who asked for the divorce when he started it all. He and his stubborn ass. Okay, his pretty fluffy stubborn ass.

How much I miss that ass after a week? A lot but no. I can't just go all over him like a freak I am. God,I'm so frustrated. After a long ass time, I did went back to my office. It was so hard to concentrate and I keep snapping literally everyone at the office.

Baby,look what you done to me?

No! He's not baby anymore. He's just a stubborn and idiot person that walked into my life. That's it. But still,

My thoughts were kicked by someone's knock outside.

I looked at myself at the mirror and fix my hair and tie before let them in.

"Come in" I said faking like typing something important.

I didn't looked up because I know it will be one of my workers here. Judging from my side eyes, it's Elina.

"What's the matter Elina?" I said still looking at the laptop. But instead of a reply,I heard the door closed and get locked. This earn my attention.

"What the fu-" I nearly cursed. Its no other than Sniggy. I made a rest bitchy face and sat down.

" What's the matter Snig? Tell me fast, I have a lot of work to do" I said still typing nothing in my laptop.

" Stop acting you fool. I can't believe I'm friends with some biggest idiohs." She said crossing her arms. She looks so tensed,making me gulped down my saliva.

"Chill down won't ya? C'mon, sit down." She rolled her eyes and sit down, crossing her legs.

"Tell me Snig, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter?! WHATS THE MATTER?!" Stop acting like nothing happened won't ya? Everyone is being crazy and here you are playing around your office chair like a little kid."

"I'm not!"

"See? I literally waste my breath telling everything and all you ever said was about freaking chair? Wow" she said clapping her arms sarcasmly.

"Look Snig, it's about my life. Nothing to worry about. Just chi-"

" What the actual fuck Zayn! You think this is about your own self? How selfish can you be? Have you forgetten about your family and Harry's family? How about babies? Your babies Malik! Yours and Harry's!  Have you think about their life? Just because you both being a selfish dick, nothing gonna get better."

I don't know why I felt cracked up inside.

"Yes true! I was being selfish,just like Harry was. I-i didn't even think about babies when he's talking about divorce. I'm fucked Snig."

I couldn't control myself for crying. How could I do this? I nearly made my babies suffer without their daddy or dada. How cruel would that be. Snig already hug me right now.

"Zayn, the best you can do is talk. Just stop being a bitch and talk. If I said talk, talk nicely. No cutting in or judging here and there. I would say both of you are fault at this place."

"I would talk to him Snig, but he's not willing to talk with me. He won't. He's- I don't know. I can't read him. I don't know if he misses me like I do right now."

"Shoo Zayn, I will ask Niall help here. He sure will help." She said kissing my hair.

I rest my head on her shoulder for some minute and parted away.

" Thank you for coming Snig. Thank you for knocking my senses." I said smiling.

" Always Malik. I gotta go now" she said blows a kiss and leave.

I picked up my phone and call my mom back.

"Mom, don't say anything. I'll be home in 15 minutes, open the door wide open. I have some news to tell you." I said and ended the call before she could say anything. I slid my phone in my pocket and leave the office all smiling.

Harry's POV

"Hazza, you need to get your ass down here. I'm can't take care of all three of them at the time." I heard my mom shouted.

I grabbed a tissue and blow it up. Then, use another tissue to wipe my face. Well,what can we said about myself? So bad and red. My green eyes are red now.

I can't believe he said yes when I said let's divorce. Maybe he already wants to divorce me and I just made it easy? Well, whatever is that. I will make him happy. I made my hair in bun and went downstairs. I saw baby Al crying. I picked him up but he didn't stop crying. He misses his dad.

" You got dada darling. Dada is here. Let's go see swans yeah" I said making my way to a pond just outside my house.

He stop crying when I said swans. This is what I'm saying for the past week. He's been asking for Zayn quite alot. And I can't do anything about it.

Not like Zayn wants me. I make myself sit on the bench right next to the pond. Al was giggling all over my hands. He bat his lashes just like Zayn does. I sighed and place him on my lap. Then,I heard my phone ringing.

It's Niall. I put it on speakers so that I can hold baby Al.

"Hye ni"

"Hye hazza,how ya doing?"

"Good I guess"

"Doesn't sound good" he said making me tongue-tied.

"Okay let me get to the point. If you have chance to talk with Zayn Malik, would you take it?"

"What Niall? Zayn's a celebrity now that I need to win some contest to talk with him?"

"Just answer the damn question Styles?!" He said in a higher voice. Wow, he's angry.

" Fine, I would but he wouldn't. Can we stop talking about impossible things" I said shaking my head in headache.

" Stupid ass, he's the one who asked for a conversation with you. "

" Really?" I said standing up holding Al tight.

"Yup, tommorow 7:30pm at Beachwood cafe."

"Oh" that's all I managed to say.

"You're in right Harry?"

I bit my lips and nodded.

"Let me guess, you're so dumb that you nod through a phone call right?"


"I know you Styles. I'll end our call first. Daddy is calling."

"You're at your parents?"

"No, uhm- my daddy is Liam." He said laughing shyly.

" Fine go ahead and thank you for telling me Ni. "

"No problem at all. You can always count on captain Ni."

"Yeah of course" I said heading towards my house.

"Well hang up you idiot, daddy's waiting."

I immediately end my call and went back home telling my mom. Honestly she is happy seeing me a little smiley after a whole tiring week.

Whose fault you think is it? Zayn's or Harry's? Leave your thoughts. And happy mother's day to all of your moms. I bet no moms read my stories. I love you guys. Stay safe ❤️✨

~Love J 💛💚

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