My heart is hoping

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Harry's POV

Three days has past and we are heading to the hospital to bring back the babies. Honestly, I still scared to lose Zayn again. Although that freaking guy is in jail. Police told us that he will be punished by hanging until dead. I'm kinda relieved but scared still.

"You seems to be lost in thoughts. Mind if you share it with me?" I didn't realise I've been looking at the sky until Zayn talked me. I looked at him and smile a little. He keep looking at me and the road. I really don't want to worry him by saying I'm scared but he is so stubborn.

I sighed and turn the radio to remove the heavy tension from the car. Juice by Lizzo was playing and I sang along.

If I'm shining, everybody gonna shine
(Yeah, I'm goals)
I was born like this, don't even gotta try
(Now you know)
I'm like Chardonnay, get better over time
(So you know)
Heard you say I'm not the baddest bitch, you lie

"Correction. I'm the baddest bitch baby" he said smirking. I just rolled my eyes but with a smile in my face.

It ain't my fault that I'm out here getting loose
Gotta blame it on the Goose
Gotta blame it on my juice, baby
It ain't my fault that I'm out here making news
I'm the pudding in the proof
Gotta blame it on my juice

" Hazza babe,you just trying to turn on by your voice and this lyrics. Juice remind of know"

" Cum?" I said smirking when I saw his member shoot up.

"Ok sex head. This has nothing regarding sex. The best way to describe “Juice” is an ode to positive self-esteem, specifically in regards to one’s body image. The lyrics, in and of themselves, come off as Lizzo clearly being cocky. But given that the audience is already aware that she does not conform to traditional standards of beauty, the underlying implication is that she is making these assertions specifically in the face of a standard which may define such a quality differently." I said and proud of myself for knowing a lot of things.

"How you can be intelligent and dumb at the same time?"

I rolled my eyes again but this time no smile. I pulled down the window and let my hair flying free in the breezing hair. It's so soothing. I heard giggles coming from behind.

" Babe, you're wearing Disney princess boxers" he said. My face turn read of embarrassment.

"Well,I-i thought they're cute." I said still not turning my face.

"They are. I'm sure behind those cute boxer is another cute thing popping." I turned around and him biting his lips.

" Why you're always horny?"

"Because of you"

"What did I do?"

" Even if you stand beside me doing nothing,my little friend will stand up. You have that effect on me." He said smiling.

I smiled proudly of how much power I got on him. "For your kind information,your friend is not little at all"

I saw his pants getting tighter. We are now at the traffic light waiting for it to turn green. I didn't waste any time and I zipped down his pants to reveal his member.

"You're not wearing boxers?" I asked smirking.

I ran my fingers around it,teasing him. I smirked looking at his impatient face.

"God,Harry. C'mon,don't be teasy now" he said sweating forming around his forehead. Just as then, the traffic light turn green.

He started driving but slowly since I'm working with my mouth down there. He keep moaning,trying to keep his eyes on the road. He look so helpless.

The car either will be going fast or slow. Fast when I fast my moves. Slow when I tease him. At last we arrived at the hospital. He parked the car and I keep working until he came in my mouth. I couldn't swallow all of it and some spill on his black pants.

" Fuck, fuck. This is so hot. " He said gasping for air. I also gasp for air, smiling at him. He was really a mess. He leaned in and kiss me. Not a hungry kiss,just a kiss that proof that he loves me.

"Thank you darling" he said and ruffles my hair. I pouted, " Why did you mess my hair?"

"Cause you mess with my hair plus my pants. It's the least I can do to you" he said laughing evilly.

"I hate you" I said and crossed my arms. He then get out from the car and open the door for me.

" Queen of my life, hold my hands" he said offering a hand. I smiled sheepishly and took the offer. We walked in the hospital and get into the doctors room.

After a few minutes, Dr. Kendall walked in. "Hye sweethearts. You both looking good"

We smiled and hold our hands. "Thanks doctor. We are here to bring back our babies. " Zayn said.

She smiled and read through their files. " I pretty sure they are fine. They kinda have phobia on men. I don't know what they did to them but they are really scared. So,I guess probably the babies will be afraid of you both. We need to check that first. I won't let you both take them if they scream at both of you. Is that clear?"

I gulped down,feeling my throat tight. I nodded along with Zayn. Zayn just hold out hands tight to reassure me. We walked all way to the baby area. We found them sleeping peacefully. We smiled automatically on how cute and peace they looked.

" Go on but one at a time" Dr. Kendall exclaimed.

I pushed Zayn first because he's really good with the babies. He went inside and slowly wake baby Sha up. After some silent moment, she gave in and cry asking her daddy to pick her up. When Zayn picked her up, she stop crying and cluthed to his body. I release a sigh. Zayn then put her down and went to baby Khai.

She was still awake and she started cry and kick Zayn when he tried to pick her up. He look through the glass at me. I give him a sad smile. He then when to baby Al.

He shook her bit and he started to cry as well. He was pushing Zayn. Usually Al is so happy whenever Zayn wants to pick him up. This sight broke my heart. He came out of the room and he look broke for sure.

I just let him have some space and went in. All three babies are good with me. So,we can take them home. I'm happy and sad at the same time. What did they experienced until they're scared of their own dad? I can't see how broke Zayn looked.

Cause you're the only one I need,
So put a little love on me

My mind keep replaying Grammy. Harry 🤧✨I'm so proud. His outfit,his smile,his shyness,his tattoos,his dimples,his hair,his everything is just 🔥🤧❣️helpp. His banana necklace and the cross as come back. I'm excited on what's going to happen. Stay safe always. I love you ❤️

~Love J 💛💚

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