I'll find a words to say

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Harry's POV

Day 1 gone as fast as it could. 2 days left for my beautiful angel to live. Whenever I think about it I end up crying. I've been sitting in the hospital, holding his hands and look at his eyes hoping it would open anytime soon. Sleep doesn't even cross my mind. Eyebags already formed but I don't care about it. My hair is a fucking mess. So what? Not like he's there to ruffle my hair. My eyes start to pile up some water which I hate.

How many stock of water I have in my eyes? It's keep flowing. It's almost 5 am but here I am sitting like a owl or more like a creepy man watching people asleep. I seriously hate this kind of myself. I feel weak. Oh yeah,I literally forgot about it. I bought some new things to try out.

NARCOTICS which include morphine and heroin.

Hope this helps me. I took the needle and fill some of it. I tied my arm and push the sharp item into my flesh. I gritted my teeth hoping the pain will get away fast. When I done,I could feel my self free. Like I'm flying in the air. No pain nothing. Just peace and it helps me to sleep. This is so good. I just buried myself in the couch and hide my druggie friend inside my pocket.

When I woke up this morning,the sun just dawned in. My head still spinning like a spinner. My vision was blur so I run my eyes again and again to find Trisha and Yaser looking at me. I just smile at them.

"How ya doing son?" He asked softly. I nodded a little. "I'm good. Sorry,I was sleeping"  More like drugged bitch.  I hate my mind voice. Yaser nodded and patted my shoulder.

"Well, please come to the cafeteria. We are having breakfast together" Mommy said. I smiled at little. I looked back at Zayn.

"It won't take long dear." She assured again. I sighed and grab my coat. I kiss his forehead before leave.

Honestly I'm so damn hungry since I took the drug. I don't want them to notice how I'm eating but eventually I failed. " Son,did you have dinner yesterday?"

"No dad. I was busy looking after Zayn" I bit my lips and looked down.

He sighed, " You should take proper meal son. Zayn wouldn't love to see you like this " Not like he's gonna wake up anytime soon

"SHUT UP" I shouted loud. I facepalm myself. Waliyha and Safaa hide under the table. Yaser look stunned just as Trisha is.

"I didn't mean it to you. It was for...someone else" I said trying to explain but I couldn't.

"Son,are you okay?" Yaser asked looking at me sternly.

I lower my glance and shuttered I'm fine. He's not convinced,I know. I hate myself. " Harry,follow me" Dad said which makes me nervous. He won't call me Harry unless it's important. I excuse myself and went behind Dad like a puppy.

"What wrong with you Harry?" He said crossing his arm.

" I'm perfectly fine." I said picking my nails. My stomach still asking for food.

" Look here boy," he grabbed my arm and I hissed in pain. He look shocked, he turn my arm around and saw the place where I inject in. It is still visible.

"Since when you're doing this Harry?" He asked. I just lower my gaze but he hold my chin up. "Look at me. Tell me Harry,since when you're taking it?"

My eyes start to water and I couldn't answer anything. " I see you don't see me as a dad then. Fine, don't tell me" he said and leave my arm with a dissapointed face.

"Dad,wait. I'll tell you." He turned back. I sighed, "I just started using it yesterday. I can't sleep and my body was full in pain. I just take a little only" I said looking at my feet.

He sighed and chin me up again. "Son,you know those things only make you feel addicted,right?" I nodded slowly.

"I don't want you to take it ever again." I nodded again.

"Now,where's the case?" He asked. I hand it to him. I still lower my glance. He suddenly hug me tight which makes me cry. I dont know I need a hug until I receive it. We hugged for like 2 minutes. He then put his hand on my shoulder and we walk together into the cafeteria.

"I see you both get along already" Trisha said showing her great smile. I smile as well. I need their love and support right now. I should appreciate their support.

"Sorry mom for being a little bossy just now" I said hugging her.

She look so much like Zayn and it really makes me feel like hugging Zayn.

"No problem hun. We understand everything." She said and just soothe my back. She kiss me in the cheek. I give a big smile and sit between both of them. I saw that Waliyha and Safaa was scared of me.

"Hye loves. I'm sorry for exploding just now. Just remember Hazza bhai loves you too" I said and ruffles their hair. They left some soft giggles and it really helps me. I went to Doniya. She was in her phone. I know that she's hiding her pain and she's really good at it. Just like Zayn always do.

"Hye Don. There's no reason for you to hide the pain. Just let it all out. It's the best for you" i said and hug her. At last she left her stubbornness and cry. Safaa and Waliyha look clueless. I mouthed relationship problem. They both nodded and giggled again. I keep whispering it's okay. And then she pulled back. She wipe all her tears.

"Thank you Harry. I really need a shoulder to cry on. And you understand it just like my baby brother. Thank you" she said and excuse herself to the toilet.

Zayn,it's ok if you hate me. At least come back for your lovely family. Your mom needs her sonshine. Your dad need his supporting son. Your sisters need their cool and happy brother back. It's fine if you don't want me. I will understand if you hate me. Just be back to your lovely family. Your parents build this happy family and I don't want you to break it. If you wake up,I won't be there to see you. So, don't worry.

I just thought we need to know the situation of the family. Yeah,so here is it. Hope you guys like it. Thank you so much for staying with me still. I love you guys. I can't believe that I already wrote 50 chapters. Stay safe✨❤️

~Love J 💛💚

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