Would you believe it?

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Harry's POV

"Remember me, Styles?"

I can feel my body trembling hearing his voice again. No, it can't be. I slowly turn around to meet his eyes, his cold brown eyes.

"Winston?" I whispered.

"Yeah darling, you got it right " he said squeezing me a bear hug.

"How-i thought you..." I said trying to fix the puzzles inside my head.

"I myself thought I will die too but luckily I didn't. Never know I'm gonna meet you here darling."

"Yeah, Ben can you let go of me? It's hurting." I mean the hug.

Let me do a little intro on this guy. Ben Winston, was my college mate. He was my other best friend except Niall. But, he did have feelings for me and he was planning on taking me date which I denied because Niall used to like him . He end up met with an accident when coming to my apartment. People still blame me for his accident. Thinking back everything is kinda hurting. But,I never knew he survived because the accident is bad.

"Whatcha thinking darling?"

"Uhm nothing. Well,it's nice to meet you but I got a flight to chase. See ya."

"Wait, where are you going?"

Oh god he won't leave me this fast. I know.

"I need to go to the USA."

He got overjoyed. "Really? I'm taking a flight to USA as well."

"Oh, well. Yeah just follow me" Treat people with kindness Harry. Doesn't matter if you like it or not.

"Hello, Veronica. Where's my seat?"

"It's two seat back there right beside the window."

Ben was looking at me with a pleading eyes. Oh god, safe me. "Why don't you sit with me Ben?" I asked like the good person I am.

"Yeah sure, I love to sit with you. We need to start where we left should we?" He said grinning.

Yeah? My husband might kill you bitch. Lord,I need to stop cursing.

I end up sitting at the corner and he did squeeze himself beside me. I crossed my legs and pick a magazine to make myself look busy.

"You look really beautiful darling" he said looking straight in my eyes.

I regret when one time I got too drunk and blabbered that I love if someone call me darling. Ever since he stuck with that name.

"Uhm,thanks? But I'm married Ben" I showed my ring finger. He kinda got dissapointed but he shaked them away congratulating me.

"Darling,you need anything?" He asked again which makes me annoyed. I saw the air hostess waiting with her stroller.

"No thanks" I said and she leave with a smile.

"Ben, for god sake stop calling me darling." I said rolling my eyes.

"I can't help it when you look sexy like this" he said trailing his hand on my thigh. I push his hand away and glared at him.

"Why don't you show me a respect? I'm married and I got three kids. So,stop having fantasy about me." I said and look outside the window.

I saw the flight took off. Remind me of Zayn when he told me he thought  the flight will do loop to loop on the air. I giggle to myself. I miss him already.

"I'm sorry Harry" I heard Ben said.

"Yeah, it's fine." I said still looking outside. After the plane got up, I didn't do anything but look at the seat infront of me.

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