Drunk Harry

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Third POV

After the party,Zayn and Harry went back to their house....well it doesn't look like a house actually

well it doesn't look like a house actually

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We can say it's a palace.Well both of their families are so fucking rich.

Harry's family have their own bakery.They started from a small bakery to big bakery all around the town.Styles bakery are damn famous for their muffin which Harry made.Now after his father died he is running his family business.

Zayn's family is running a Malik Art Studio.Basically all of his family members are good at painting.His father ask him to took over his business because he is getting older and he can't manage 15 studio at a time.

Well back to their stories.Harry just get in the car after the party.He is so drunk that he can't even look straight.Well Zayn he is kinda sober because he don't enjoy drink that much.Both of them get in the car after saying their goodbyes.


Gosh,he is such a drunk ass.Well yeah it's a party but at least drink some shot not being a shitty like this.My life is suck because of him and will be suck forever.Haissh

Grmphh...fuck I'm hungry.Yeah a groom who didnt ate anything at a party,great

"Driver,can you drive thru McDonald's,I'm hungry."

"Sure Mr Styles"

God why don't call Mr Zayn or Mr Malik

When we reach at the McDonald's I heard Harry waking up

"Wow,does our house just turn into McDonald's.Well finally I can be in heaven."I heard him say.

I just rolled my eyes and started to order

"One chicken burger with some extra cheese and a large fries with a large coke"

"What else sir"the lady ask me

Before I finished my sentence,Harry just push me and start to order for him

"Well can I have some big fish burger and a ice cream with a cute topping.And oh a large ice latte"

"Is that all sir"the lady ask again

"Well if you don't mind,can I have you for tonight.You are looking so sexy in that dress"

What the fuck,he is fucking embarrassing me.And how the hell he can see if she is sexy through a computer.Well I guarantee I'm sexier than her.

I asked the driver to go to the counter

"Sorry for the trouble miss,he is completely drunk."I just apologized for his shit

"It's fine,did you guys just married?"
"Well,yeah as you can see"I sighed
"You both are so perfect I mean look at you two"

Well I took a look at myself and Harry.His eyes are half close and he can't even sit properly.He was looking at a empty road. Isn't he beautiful?fuck no ,never in a million years

"Thank you for that actually."

"Here you go,your order.Since you are newly wed I have you a free chocolate cake.Have a happy life you both"

"Thank you so much"I replied and went back home.

I only eat my food when I come back home.But Harry can't keep himself and end up eating everything at the car.Now he is sitting in front of me,watching me eating.Honestly he looks fucking creepy but cute at the same time.Shit....focus Zayn.

"Why the hell are you looking at me like that"I asked him

"You are my husband and I can look at you how many times I want"he replied

"Well,it's my face so you need to have a permission to look at the perfection"

"Prhh ....you are not perfect.Only he is perfect.Those blue eyes,his sassy talk and he's so smol that I want to kiss him badly.He is nothing like you"he said and went upstairs to our bedroom.

Our bedroom

Who is this guy he's referring about?Maybe the one he mentioned at that wedding.I need to find out what this curly is hiding.

Drunk Harry is my favorite Harry.So I would like to apologise if there is any kind of mistake.Who is Harry referring to and what happen in the past?Stay connected to know about it

~Love J💛💚

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