Drinks to my liver

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Harry's POV

I hate this world. Why nothing is happening as I wish? Even if that so why just didn't take me instead of Zayn. My Zaynie. What did he do to receive this pain and hurt? The only wrong thing he do is marrying me. We got kidnapped because of me. Everything is my fault.

Such a useless prick you are

I know . That's why I plan something. The best thing I would do for the both of us. But,before that I need drink to wash away my pain.

Liam's POV

Literally everyone is crying right now. I'm trying my best to hold back my tears. I want to be a person who support them,not cry with them. But,it's so hard when his mom fall to the floor and cry. His sisters don't know yet except for Doniya. She also cry her eyes out.

As then the doctor came out. " It would be great if you spend this time talking to him. He needs your support. Don't cry infront of him. It only makes it worst. " He informed and turn his heels.

Trisha wipe away her tears and went in along with Yaser and Doniya.

After around 2 hours,we all had talked with him. Even Waliyha and Safaa had a talk but they still don't know that he's dying.

Only one person is missing. HARRY STYLES

He left Zayn's room crying,so we let him have his own space. But,it's more than 3 hours since he left. I'm worried now. But,speak of the devil Harry came in right at the moment.

And he's drunk. We can know it by how many tripping he does when he walked towards us. I mean normally he would trip over so much but now each step is a bumper for him.

"Hye,guys" he burped.

"Where have you been Harry boy?" Anne asked getting over him for a hug. But he just pushed her away vigorously.

"Don't touch me. I'm a useless prick. I only cause problem. I might will get you problem even if you touch me. So,don't ever touch me." He said getting away from us.

"Harry, you didn't do an-" he interuppted Yaser talking.

"No dad. It's all my fault. He wouldn't be here if it wasn't because of me. He won't be dying right now!"

"Bhaiya dying? What do you mean?" Safaa asked innocently. Harry smiles sheepishly.

Oh shit

"You don't know bub? You dont know that your brother is d-" I cut him short.

"Safaa,Waliyha can you help us buy some water at the hospital canteen. We are thirsty." I said handing some money. "Buy some candies too for you both and take your time coming back" I said and they both walked away happily

"WHAT THE FUCK HAZ? YOU ARE FUCKING DRUNK AND YOU TELLING THOSE INNOCENT BABIES ABOUT THEIR BROTHER DYING?!" I shouted waiting about what others might say. But,they didn't say anything.

"I am not drunk"

"You literally said that with three burps in between" I said crossing my arm.

" I need liquor to stay alive" he said half eyes closed.

"But Zayn needs you to stay alive" as I said those words,he shot his head up. He give me a small smile and went into the toilet. After 5 minutes,he came out and surprisingly he's sober. He wash his face and he looks like he born new.

He straight went to Zayn's bed and sit by his side. I just watch it from the peeking hole. It just so heartbreaking seeing Harry talking happily but then end up crying when Zayn is not responding. But I know that it would help. Zayn needs Harry and just as much Harry needs Zayn as well.

Harry's POV

I'm so stupid for even thinking of drinking. Zayn needs me. This is the only moment I could help him out. But, I feel stuck. All I ever see is his eyes closed.

"Zee,I know I love your lashes but I seriously need to see your beautiful golden pools. I-im dying to see them. Will I get a sight of it?"

No response

I sighed. I hold his hands and just squeeze it little . "I should just die when I try to suicide last time. This situation is worst" I whisper to myself.

"Don't worry,I won't leave you alone. I'm here to support you. But,if you leave me I will follow you too. Remember I always told you that I would walked through fire for you. I seriously mean it."

I started to cry. "I let Niall and Liam have one of our babies and the other two Snig can take them. I just want to be with you baby"

I buried my face in his hands,crying not caring if his hands are getting wet. Again he some tears form from his closed eyes.

"Don't just keep crying baby. I want you to wake up. I love to wake up next to you " I said wiping away his tears. But,tears keep flowing.

"Don't cry love. I'm sorry. It's all my fault. The best thing that ever happen to me is you. I love you so much. Hell,the love I have for you is unmeasurable. I never thought I might lose you. I mean I did have that thought when you cut yourself. But, right now I can't even convince myself that it's alright. We'll be alright right?"

I laughed to myself. " You said you love my dimples. Why don't you wake up and poke it baby. I swear I won't stop you."

"See,this babe. This is the night you promise me that you won't leave me. I really trusted your words. But,don't broke that trust darling. I can't stand it. " I said showing my rose ring.

" I miss your warm and your cuddles. I miss how you kiss my neck when I comb my hair. I miss how you would join me in the shower. I miss how you tease me. I miss your accent,the way you call me Harreh, babeh. I miss how you smelt like a mixture of cigarettes and mint. I miss the night we made love for the first time. I miss the time when we both confess our feelings. I miss how you got me pregnant. But,most of everything I miss the time we got married."

I cried and cried. I could only hear the sound of my heartbeat and his heartbeat. But,after my talk with him I sense the heart monitor has rise up.

"You're hearing me don't you?" I said kissing his forehead.

"I love you" I said before exiting the room.

When this will end? I don't know. What will happen? I don't know. So don't blame me. I'm crying too. Share me your thoughts. I love you guys. Stay safe 💖

~Love J 💚💛✨

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