Zee's birthday

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Zayn's POV

"Zee, me and El are going for a date again. But,this time you are coming as well"

I groaned. "Fuck off Lou. I rather stay inside the house. And I don't want to be a cockblocker." I said smirking.

" Oh c'mon Zee. You said you were bored inside house. I thought it will relax you a bit" he said putting his hand on his hips.

" How about Freddie?"

" El's mom taking care of him tonight. So, are you in?"

I sighed, " Fine I am in"

" What the hell are you doing Malik? It's past 8 and you're still doing some shit up there." I heard Louis knocking and shouted at the same time.

"If you keep doing that,I'm going to make it even late."

He cursed one last time and dissapear from the door. I do my favourite quiff. Just a little bit gel to make it perfect. Hazza will love this hair. I chuckle to myself. I put on the bode Harry bought me for Christmas. It looked damn good. I spray a Gucci floral fragrance since I miss Haz. Influenced by my baby Harold. I look at myself one last time before exiting the room.

" At last. I thought you were died inside" I heard Louis sassed.

I just rolled my eyes. We drived to a fancy place. The whole ride El and Lou will snogging each other. It's so gross. Lou and El sat on the other side while I sit alone on this side.

" Good evening sir,miss. I'm Cara. May I took your order?"

I opened my mouth to place my order but Louis cut me out.

" No, there's one more person to join us. We'll order later" he said smiling.

Whose coming?

" You never mention me who's coming except for you and El. Care to explain?" I said raising my brows.

" Since you were bored, we planned a date for you. So,it's a double date." He said looking at El.

My jaw dropped to the floor if it's possible. " What the fuck Lou?" I lower my voice since everyone is giving me look.

" You never told me this. I don't agree with this. I came today for a free food."

" Chill Zayn. It's just a date."

" It's still cheating Louis. You know I love Harry then why you doing this?"

" Relax Zayn. It's just a simple date. Get know each other and eat. That's it. No big deal" El said.

" Screw you both. Imma go" I get up from my place but a blonde hair girl stand right at our table with a smile on her face.

"You don't need to stand up for me." She said giggling. Did I told her I'm standing for her?

" I'm Perrie Edwards." She said handing her hand. This situation is so awkward. I glanced at Louis and he signaled me to shook her hand.

I took her hand and introduce myself with a forceful smile. " I need to loo. Will be right back" I said and just dissapear to the toilet.

" FUCK YOU LOUIS" I shouted. I nearly punch the window infront of me. I try to calm myself and look at me in the mirror. Let's just pretend to like her and at the end reveal who you are. Yeah, it's better than cheat. At least I should be nice with her.

" Sorry,I kept you guys so long." I said smiling. Louis looked suprised. I smirked a little and continue to talk with her. She's not a bad company at all. She's so cool and we have same interest. She told me how she really want to work on a band. We spend the most of the time talking until it's almost 11pm.

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