lirry conversation

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Harry's POV

After I talked with Liam,I have a hope to end this war between us. I can follow my 'Treat people with kindness' thing. It's 8 in the morning and I already took a bath and headed down to the kitchen. I want to spend some time with Zaynie so he will let me go out at 6.30pm. But the problem is he won't let me go alone. What should I do?

"Hye darling,good morning. You wake too early today. " Trisha voice enter my ear canal which wash away my thoughts.

"Good morning Trisha. I was just wanna help you today. I don't want to be useless sleeping dork."I said while laughing. She giggles before continue.

"You're not honey. If you want,I can teach you my muffin recipe. "

My eyes widened. "My god,your secret recipe is going to be revealed to me? Thank you so much Trisha." I can't control the happiness overloaded in me. That muffin taste damn good . Wish I could add that in my bakeries.

(After 2 hours)

I heard some footsteps coming from the upstairs. It's no one other than my husband. There's a feeling jumping inside of me whenever I call him husband. It's a weird but a good feeling. My stomach will do a flipback whenever I call him like that. "Hye Harreh."he kissed my lips. He's so fresh. "Hye Zayn"I smile showing away my dimples.

"Good morning sunshine." Trisha cooed and kisses his cheeks. "Morning mom. Have dad gone to work?"

"He just went to work. He won't be around for 2 days."

"Oh, great "he said in a irritate tone and storm away from the kitchen. I ran after him and saw him smoking outside the garden. I want to ask him one day," you are already smoking hot. Then why are you smoking?". I just want to see his reaction. He probably will bang me against the door.

"Zayn,what's the matter? Your mom is still talking and you just storm out. Is something bothering you?"I asked touching his shoulder slowly.

"Tommorow is their 25th wedding anniversary. I was planning a surprise and he just went to work and not coming home for 2 days. Its a special day and still he couldn't make it. I don't know what's wrong with him but I already fed up with his attitude. I'm running the company for him but still he's working after he retired. Why can't he spend some time with mom? My mom looks happy outside but she hides the pain. And my dad doesn't know it. He doesn't care about us,our happiness. He only cares about money. That's the reason I got married with you. Just for the fucking money." His eyes were red because he's trying his best to not cry.

I hug him tightly. "Zayn,don't worry. I will talk to Yaser. He sure will listen to me since I got the money. I will make this day to happen. You just carry on the surprise. Make your mom happy. She deserves it so much. And I'm sure he cares about you all. That's why he's running for money,to make you all happy. Think wisely Zayn. You need to talk,not a manly talk but a father-son talk. I'm sure you will understand him better and vice versa. Now be strong for me." He looked at me,lips trembling for words. "No need to say anything kay."I kissed his lips which makes a big kissy noise. He hug me even more tightly. "Thank you Harreh,for everything".

(Around 3 pm)

Zayn is leaving to make an arrangement regarding the anniversary. He couldn't be more happier since I talked with his dad and he agreed to come home tonight. Of course I didn't tell the plan. I told him I need to talk about our business and he's coming back. Well,this is my chance to talk with Liam. A little early won't hurt.

I saw him wearing his jacket and his glasses. He's leaving with Doniya and Waliyha. He look hot as always. "Mom me,Doniya and Waliyha are going out for awhile. Will be home soon. Take care."he said kissing her cheek. "Take care sunshine. Don't let the girls go on their way. They are trouble maker especially Waliyha."she said while caressing Waliyha's hair. "I'm not a trouble maker." Waliyha exclaimed.

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