Our first fight as husbands

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Zayn's POV

Since Harry is a drunken ass, he literally took all the places in bed.I had to sleep in the guest room tonight. Maybe every night....

Next morning

Since I have to run my studio,I woke up around 7:30am.I thought I could give Harry some breakfast if he's up.So,I went upstairs but he's no where seen.I try to look for him since he only go to work at 10am.I know that from the maid actually.

I look for him in every corner of the house but he's no where.Lastly I went to the pool and he was there lying just beside the pool.Jesus Christ,how if he drown himself and he can't swim.Well I can't save him because im scared of water.

I went near him and splash some pool water at his face

"Harry, wake up.Can you hear me?"

"Lou,don't leave me Lou.I will die without you.Please don't leave me baby."he started to panicked with his eyes closed.

"Harry,harry wake up.Its just a bad dream.Calm down"

At last he woke up.He was breathing heavily and sweat is all around his face.He looks like he just saw a ghost.

"Harry,are you alright?I was looking for you.Why are you sleeping at the pool and when did you came here?"

"Stop acting like you care for me.Just mind your fucking business asshole.I know to take care of myself"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?I only ask if you are alright and it's fucking wrong?Well thank you so much for your lovable words in this fucking morning."

"You no need to know anything about me.Its my fucking wish if I want to sleep in the pool or in the car.ITS MY FUCKING WISH. Who are you to ask about me?"

"I'm your husband now,don't you remember?Well if you don't, just remember we married for our families sake and I will never ever love you.I wish I can just divorce you and leave everything but I cant."

"Well if you want a fucking divorce I can just give it to you.I would live happily even if I am alone.For fuck sake get out of here.Im getting frustrated looking at your face"

"I don't need to follow whatever you say you dumbass.If you can't look at my face,then you leave.I won't take one fucking step from here."

"Fine,I'm leaving.You are such a piece of shit that I have ever met."

"God,why I need to fucking marry this problematic guy?I already fucking hate him and I'm ready to change for him but still he being shit to me is too much.Just bring me to you"

I heard all the things getting thrown by the fucking idiot.

Harry's POV

"Why I need to go through this?I don't want him.I WANT LOU.LOU I LOVE YOU.PLEASE COME BACK."I screamed with tears streamed down my face.

Everything that I see go to the floor.I smashed everything until I saw a picture of love of my life. LOUIS TOMLINSON. Fuck I miss him so much.Why can't he be with me right now.

"Vas happenin?"I heard the asshole came inside my room.

"Get the fuck out of my room now!"I screamed even louder

"Jesus Christ,Harry there is a lot glass scattered around the floor.You might step on it.Here,wear this sandal."

"No ...step away from me.This is my room and I can do anything I want.I will step on this glass,what you going to do?You will do nothing.You will only be happy for it.If you want that,then let me just step on it."then I step on the scattered glass and it was so damn painful.

"Holy fuck, Harry are you fucking crazy?"and he approached me"Let me help you kay?I promised I won't hurt you."

"No...just fucking leave me somewhere at a rubbish bin or somewhere else.I don't want to be here.Stop touching me"

He never even listen to me.He bring me to the couch and bring the first aid kit."Oh my God Harry do you know how bad is it?"

"Sure I know because I can feel the pain.I LOVE PAIN"

I noticed his face dropped as his trying to hide his emotions.Maybe this Malik is hiding something from me.

"Owhh...it's painful you idiot."

"You the one who said you love pain so I thought you would like it"

"Don't mess with me Malik.Im a dangerous person."

"Haha,not dangerous than me Styles. People used to called me Bradford Bad Boi.So,keep in your mind"

"Hahahahahahahahaaha are you serious?Bradford Bad boi?hahahaha"

I can see his face getting angry.

"Malik,are you getting angry?Well if you do,I don't fucking care about it"

He quickly bandage my leg and went upstairs.Why do I feel bad after hurt him?I shouldn't be right?I'm Harry Styles after all.But first I need to know what he's hiding.Malik what are you hiding?

Wow,too much drama.Seriously Harry being so rude to Zayn.Poor Zayn .Anyway thanks for your support and I will keep updating.❤️

~Love J💚💛

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