Everything will be fine?

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Harry's POV

"So,she just gave her baby to you both?" Snig asked us.

"Yeah,this baby need us. I think it's Zayn's baby. She has a hazel eyes and long lashes." I said rubbing my big belly.

It's been like 1 week since the dead of Gigi and we are getting good with managing a family. The baby really get along with Zayn. Liam and Niall hesitated that they are going to stay here but we just shushed them for a honeymoon. We don't want to trouble the others.

"What do you think Harreh?" Zee called me out .

"What?" I asked since I'm confused.

"We should buy a new crib. You know we are having a baby less than a month." Zayn said sipping some juice.

"Yeah,we should. And clothes too. Khai didn't have a lot clothes. I mean we used the clothes we bought for the baby girl. We should buy more." I said thinking on how to take care of the situation.

I guess three kids would be enough. Maybe If Zayn wanted, we could make more.

"Well,if you need any help just let us know" Tom said while smiling at Khai. Everyone love Khai so much. She is so friendly. She loves to kick people for sure. Tom left some sloppy kisses around the babies feet and hands the baby to Snig.

"C'mere baby. You look so adorable. Aunty Snig is the best. Don't listen to this Uncle. He is bad" Snig said referring to Tom.

"HYE!" Tom shouted with a disbelief face. "I probably the coolest person in this earth. She loves me more" Tom said rolling his eyes at Snig.

"Guys stop your drama. You guys should head back home. It's 10 pm and she needs to sleep too. Just because she wake up for milk doesn't mean she isn't sleepy." I said grabbing the baby carefully. She was getting comfortable into my arms and fall asleep. Everyone just look fondly at our bond.

"You too are really a dada-daughter bond. I'm so happy for you both" Snig said rubbing my belly. Apparently the babies started to kick my belly.

"Ouch,it's started to kick" I said which Zayn put his hand on my belly. Nothing,not even a move. "Why I can't feel anything?" Zayn said dissapointed. "Maybe they move when they're sleeping. Don't worry,when they kick or move again I let you know." I said kissing his lips.
"Let me try" Tom said and one of the babies lick harder. "They're kicking." Tom said which makes Zayn more sad.

We waved our byes and went back to bed. I can sense the pain from Zayn's face. "Zayn babe,they probably didn't turn their position when you're touching." I tried. "No Harreh,they didn't like me." He said now crying.
"Hye,you are the father. They sure love you so much." I said hugging him sideways. "I dont know Harreh. If they didn't respond,is it means that I'm not the father." He said which I feel like a pinch in my heart. I slowly got up.

"Are you trying to say that I fucked someone else? That this babies are not ours?" I didn't wait for his answer. I went to the other room and slammed the door right infront of him. He was saying something that I didn't really want to listen. He keep knocking at the door and after 25 minutes he gave up and went to his room.

I'm not fucking weak to cry over something he said. I have a baby to take care off. Fuck him. I set my alarm at 12 am midnight. The baby got hungry every two hours. Nice deep sleep is enough for me.


My god. How fast is two hours. I look up at the alarm to find its 4 am. My eyes widened. I quickly got up from my bed and went to check on the baby. I cannot hear any cries. Oh my god. The baby must be starving. I open the door of Khai's room and found Zayn giving milk for the baby. He was really concentrating in his work. This sight is so cute. He hold his tongue with his teeth. He even saying something to the baby.

I clears my throat to earn his attention. He turn to look at me. "Hazza!she was crying around 12.10. So I made some milk. I assume you were taking rest." He said smiling. He doesn't even apologize. Did he forgot what happen. I turn my heels to went back to my room but I decide to take a look at Khai. She was sucking the nipple like there's no other day. Some milk were spilling,I grab a cloth and clean it up. As soon she sense my touch,she was asking me to grab her. I pick her up and cooed at her. "Whose the best girl? You are." She smile at me and hold my pinky finger. She started to suck on it. "It can be wait munchkin. Let me burp you first." I hold her straight and burp her. She burp and fall asleep again. I put her in the crib and didn't forget to turn on the baby monitor. I close the door and leave immediately.

"Babe" Zayn called me while holding my wrist.

"Leave me Zayn,please." I said still not turning around him.

"No,not until you hear what I'm going to say" he said stubbornly

"It's 4 am for fuck sake." I hissed.

"No cursing babe. Put money in the curse jar." He said trying to make this situation easer but it only makes it worst.

"Don't get on my nerves Zayn. I warned you. Leave my your fucking hand from my fucking wrist." I said glaring at him. He immediately release my wrist. I walk to my room when I heard him say " you have to put three dollars into the curse jar"
This guy is seriously not understanding the situation.

God,he's getting on my nerves. If I kick his balls,he would love it. Ow,another kick. "You don't like it if I talk bad about your daddy uh?" Another kick. Haishh. They literally supporting him while inside my womb. Another kick. "Ow,what is that for?" Fourth kick. "You both have to sleep because dada is sleepy." I said which they obeys.

Handling them won't be hard I guess. My problem is Zayn. He hurts me and I don't even know if he notice it or not. I'm sure he's not that idiot. Those words stung more than jellyfish. Yes,I have experience of it. His words are worse than the jellyfish sting. What should I do man? But I know one thing. That I love him. Two months back he asked me if he leaves me,what I would do? Like he's telling me he's leaving me. Maybe he have an affair or maybe he is suffering from some disease and didn't tell me so that I won't be sad. Or maybe,fucking another kick. "Fine,I will stop." I need to stop talking with myself. Surely,I need to stop cursing even inside my head

I don't know if it's a good chapter and I don't know what you guys were expecting. I'm just trying to go with flow. I'm sorry if any of the information of the baby is wrong. I know nothing about babies🤣. Harry's birthday is tommorow and I fucking excited like its my birthday. Hope you guys love it.✨🙏💖

~Love 💚💛

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