With open arms

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Zayn's POV 

"Wakey wakey hubby." i heard Harreh said and blow raspberries in my cheek. 

"Go and brush your teeth babe. Your breathe smells" i said and hide my face in my pillow. 

"Meanie Zaynie. I already brush my teeth. If you don't wake up now, i will throw a bucket of water on you" 

i didn't respond anything. I'm still tired and it's too early. 

"I know what you think babe. It's past 2pm. Get your ass up" He said smacking my ass. 

"5 minutes" i said covering me with a duvet. He pulled the duvet along with me down. My ass landed down. 

"Harreh, you wanna slap?"i said getting up from the floor. My ass stings, just because of this little sweet creature. 

"Now you're up. C'mon, mamma waiting for us to show up."

"let's at least brush our teeth, it stinks"i said to tease him.

"Huff, i hate ya Zaynie." he said still making ways to the bathroom. I peaked and look at what he's doing. 

He was smelling his breath by blowing it in his hands. I cover my mouth so that he didn't hear it. 

"I smell good. Then why did he said it smells bad? Let's just wash another time with the floss"he said which makes me laugh so hard. I look at him and he's pouting. 

"Aww, my little kitten. You didn't smell bad at all. You smell good like fresh mint plus blueberry"i said leaning in for kiss.

But he pushed me. This time i pout. "Since you tease me, i'll tease you too. No kissy until you brush your teeth" 

"Okay mom" i mocked and took my brush. He just looked at me until i finished brushing. Creepy ass. But a fluffy ass. My ass.

"Okay i'm done. Let me kiss you" i said leaning in but this time he stopped with his palm. 

"Lunch first" he said swaying his ass while going out of the bathroom. 

I follow behind him like a little puppy. When we got down, I can smell some delicious aroma. Mostly spices. My god, mom's food are always awesome.

"Good afternoon mom" I said hugging and kissing her cheek.

"Good afternoon sonshine. Now, take a seat. I made your favourite but this time with mutton" she said handing us plates.

"Wow! Mutton biryani? That's cool. You never made them before" I sound like a little kid but I don't give a fuck. It look fucking delicious.

"Enjoy sonshines" she said grab her own plate and took a seat with us.

I started to dig in but something was missing. Oh yeah.


"Mommy, hand me some gravy please?" Harreh said.

"Since when you know about biryani stuff?"

"What am I to you again? A stone? No right. I'm your husband. I should've known everything about you." He said in a matter of fact way.

"Fine babe. Just give me some gravy." I said since my mouth started to water again.

"Take it" he said putting it miles away from me.

"Cmon, babe. I'll make it up to you alright?"

"Fine, the food might get sad if you made them wait. That's the reason I'm giving you" he said and give me.

My husband is weird but it's cute. Aww, how adorable is he. I dig in again until I got myself full. I bet Niall would stay here forever if he tasted this awesome biryani.

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