How? Why?

204 19 7

Zayn's POV

"We're sorry to say that your mom is in the third stage of skin cancer." The doctors said making my heart stop for a minute.

"WHAT! NO IT CAN'T BE" I shouted holding the collar of the doctor.

"Zayn, leave the doctor please" I heard Harreh said weakly beside me. I let him go.

My mind can't process anything that's going on. My mom? Cancer? Third stage?

I ran back to the doctor. "Doctor, sorry I lose my control just now. Is there any treatment we can do to cure her?"

"We can try chemotherapy but I can't be sure whether it will work or not. It's kinda too late to start our treatment but we can try " he said making me confused in my own thoughts.

" Start the treatment today doctor. I'll pay everything. But don't ever let her go"

"We'll try our best Mr. Malik. "

I go back to the waiting area and I saw my dad sitting on the chair looking at nothing.

I went near him and placed my hand on his thigh.

"Dad, momma will be alright. She's strong woman. Let's pray for the best yeah" I said to make him strong. But how can I make him strong when me myself is weak.

" Sorry Zayn." He said still eyes on the floor.

"No dad, there's nothing to be sorry for. It's not your fault." I said making him look at me. His eyes are red but he doesn't let any tears fall.

" No Zayn, I already know about this."

"What you mean about that?" I asked quietly.

"I already know that she have cancer." He said letting tears fall.

"What the fu-"

"ZAYN! DON'T" Harreh screamed.

" Then why didn't you tell us before dad? We can safe her, don't ya know that? How can you be so chill about this situation?" I shouted not caring if it's hospital or not

"Go ask your mom Zayn. You think I don't love her? I love her so much that I'm willing to do anything to safe her. But, she insisted. I'm sorry" he said and went past me to the toilet.

"What just happened?" I whispered to myself.

"Zayn, go meet your mom. She's awake now. I think it's the best if you go first " Harreh said hugging me and kiss my cheek.

I went inside only to see her in her bed lying helpless. She look so pale and seeing her relying on the ventilator making me cry.

"Sonshine? Come in" she invite me with the same smile of hers. I try my best to get myself strong,but no. I couldn't.

I sit in the chair beside her bed holding her hand. I kiss her knuckles while my tears flow. "I'm sorry " I keep saying.

"Zayn, it's okay. I will be gone one day. Why you want to waste those money on me? It's better if you save it for your future." She said running her hands through my hair. Her face didn't leave the smile.

"But, I want momma to be with me. I can't be without you. Wh-who would call me sonshine anymore? Who would cooked me sa-samosas? Who would bring me back to life? No one can do it except you mom" I said crying nonetheless.

"Shh, sonshine. Remember that wherever I go I will be living here with you" she said labeling my heart.

"If you miss me too much, just look at the sun or moon. I will always be there for you." She said kissing my wet cheek.

"I love you mom. So much that I can't describe." I said kissing her forehead.

"I love you always sonshine. Now get me out of the hospital. I need to spend my little time with all of you." She said trynna make a joke but no, it makes me cry even more.

" Enough love, mommy gonna make your favourite samosas today. But, make sure to help me. Or else no food." She said flashing her big smile.

"Yeah okay mom. I'll talk with the doctors."

I kiss her forehead one last time before went outside to have a deal with the doctor. These doctor said it's risky but he ask us to take care on our own risk. Nothing matters when it comes to my mom's happiness.

As we reached home, she struggled herself to make samosas for me. But, I rejected. I can't see her working in this state. Our house is full of Styles and Malik family.

Anne was crying from just now. She can't believe it. Just like me. But, my mom made the situation less tensed. She cracked a joke and everyone was enjoying time with her. Safaa doesn't know what's going on but she's aware that her mom is sick. Waliyha on the other hand understand it and she keep crying whenever she saw mom. Doniya, well she's trying to be strong for us. But,I know she will cry tonight in her own room. Dad for sure gonna get himself drunk tonight. And me myself don't know what to do.

"Zayn? You okay babe?" Harreh hugged me.

I couldn't control myself but brought him back to kitchen and started to cry on his shoulders. I don't realize how much I needed this hug.

"Babe, it's gonna be okay. Don't worry." He said but he's not even convincing me.

"No Harreh, it's not gonna be okay. She will be gone soon. That's the painful truth. And I'm not ready for that Harreh. I can't imagine this house without her warm, her scent,her food, her presence and most of all her laugh. I-i wish it was me instead of her"

"Shh Zayn. Just like you said it's a painful truth. We can't do anything than accept the truth. I know it's hard Zayn. I lost my father when I was 5. I know how it feels when you lost someone whose been there your whole lives. But, you're lucky Zayn. You get to be with her for more than 25 years. Appreciate it. And enjoy this moment while it lasts. One day, you will be smiling thinking about it. " He said kissing my lips.

"Thank you darling. I-i really need those words. Thank you for staying with me" I said wiping my tears away.

"Zayn! Bring me and Anne a cup of tea you made." My mom ordered me.

"In a minute!" I shouted and carry on in the making of the tea.

"That's how I want to see you babe. I'm proud of you" Harreh said hugging me from behind.

He left me with my tea making. After some minutes, I brought the tea to my mom and Anne. She tasted it and praise me good. How lucky I am to get her as my mom? I'm very lucky then.

I went and sat next to Harreh who's munching biscuits. He intertwined our hands and mouthed it's gonna be okay. I smiled a little and enjoy the rest of the evening.

Don't ask me anything 😭it's not my fault. Thank you for reading and I love you guys. Stay safe.

~Love J 💛💚

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