I'll be there for you

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(F.R.I.E.N.D.S theme song,sorry I'm addicted to it ❤️👆)

Trisha's POV

" Zayn will be awake soon. Make sure to be beside him when he woke up. Let him eat this medicine after take some food " the doctor announced and left us both.

I hold his hand. He look so pale. He did lost a lot of blood. Thank God we manage to bring him to the hospital.

I sighed and ran my fingers along his hair. That's the right time when I heard my phone ring. I checked the id and it's Harry.

"Hello Harry"

"Hello momma. I called Zayn and he's not picking up. Uhm maybe he dropped it somewhere. Can you hand him your phone to him? I have some serious stuff to talk with him right now" I heard him saying faster in his whole life.

"Harry, listen to me first" I try to calm him down.

"Harry! Hear me out first. He's in hospital" I said and he was silent for a minute.

"C'mon it's not time for joke mom. I'm in a big shit right now" he said groaning.

" Harry! Why would I joke about this stuff?! And what shit are you in now?"

"Momma, is Zayn safe?" I heard him crying. Oh Lord help me.

"Yeah,he will wake up soon. Care to tell me about the shit you're in?"

He sniffles, "ikilledaguynamedbenwhousedtobemybestfriend." He said which makes me impossible to understand.

"Harry, calm down first yeah."

I heard him breath in and out. "Tell me sonshine"

"I-i killed a guy." He said making me widen my eyes.

"What?" I asked in disbelief. Harry would never done those stuff. Even if he step on a cockroach he would cry for hours.

"Yeah, momma. I'm so stupid and I don't know what to do now"

"Shussh darling. Don't worry. After Zayn woke up,I will ask him to call you to figure this things up."

I said and he keep crying. " Darling" I said and sighed.

"I'm afraid momma" he said making my heart broke.

"Don't worry, i will send Niall or Liam there yeah."

"No, no! Don't involve them in this mess. I shouldn't involve you either. It's okay. I think I will surrender myself to the police. " He said crying harder.

"No darling. Do you know why you killed him? I'm sure you did it by accident"

" H-he tried to ra-rape me. He even drugged me. I-i don't know what I was doing. " He sniffled harder.

"See darling? It's not your fault at all. This is called defending yourself."

"But still I have no right to took away someone's life. How cruel am I?"

"Yeah sonshine but he's a bad guy isn't he? There's nothing wrong with you."

"I-i think I'm gonna stay here for few days. If Zayn haven't woke up yet, I will surrend myself. Tell him I'm sorry. Please take a good care of my angels momma."

"No ha-"

"I'm sorry for not being able to fulfill your wish. What an awful son in law."

"You're not love. I love you so much. Don't worry yeah. Where are you right now?"

"I'm at Hotel Starfish."

I nodded. " Okay darling, take care yeah. Hurm, I will ask Zayn to call you"

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