Chapter 64: Up and at em

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------Tris POV-------

Today Stage 2 starts of training. I'm nervous and partially terrified. I stare at the words " Fear god alone" spray painted on the wall beside the bed. Tobias' arm is draped over my waist even though he sleeps on his stomach, just like me. A habit we seemingly  both picked up from being beaten in abnegation. 

I sigh softly and run my fingers through his hair, watching him sleep. after a couple minutes he starts to stir so I stop.

" Why'd you stop" He whispers, his voice husky. I smile, chuckling lightly and go back to running my fingers through his hair, pushing it back and out of his face. Sun shines through a curtain since we are above the ground and not underground, like most of the compound.

His eyes flutter open and I come to face with his deep blue ocean eyes.

" Morning" He whispers

" Shh, if you don't acknowledge it maybe it will go away" I repond smiling. He grins and turns on his side so he is facing me. I prop myself up on my side and elbow and pulls me closer to him so my face is less than 2 inches away from his. My hand on his cheek I press my lips to his. I pull away much too soon and jump out of bed.

He groans " Trrisssss" He wines pouting. I giggle and go to the bathroom, changing into my clothes I wore yesterday. I hear him sigh from the bed as I slip on my shirt.

Once i'm dress and gone to the bathroom I walk out and see Tobias With a black t shirt and joggers on, standing at the kitchen counter with a glass of water in his hand

" I have to go to the dorms to change before everybody gets upso I have"- I look at the clock on his nightstand-" 15 minutes before the light in the dorm come on and everybody wakes up" I say, he places his glass down and comes over to me. 

I meet him halfway and wrap my hands around his waist.

" Okay" He says and kiss' me briefly before I force myself to shove my feet in my shoes and slip out of his apartment. Setting of to the dorms.


Sorry its short guys, its Christmas so I couldn't spend too much time on my devices but thought I'd update!

Don't forget to Vote, suggest, and comment what you think!!!!! 

Merry christmas again, Thank you all, love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Word count 430

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