Chapter 14!: Laughter

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Hey guys! Please everybody go and follow @Katmee6 she is a awesome writer and book cover maker and all around a great person! Thank you all for reading this far! I really appreciate it and hope you like the book! 


Our feet slam into the gravel ground of the rooftop. Sometime in the fall I let go of Christina's hand and rolled to the left. I look up from the ground to see Christina to my right her shoulders shaking. I can't see her face so I can't confirm if shes.... Crying? 

I pull myself up of the hard ground and stumble over to her. Taking note of the rips in my Abnegation clothes, not that I will be needing the anymore. I'm Dauntless now. 

"Christina?" I Ask, I'm about a foot away and she doesn't seem to be bleeding anywhere on her backside of her body, maybe she broke her arm or she- She rolls over and her laughs interrupt my thoughts of her. Laughs- she's laughing! 

"what-are you-why are you-" She burst out laughing again. Well at least she's not hurt but why is she laughing

" We-we just jumped off a train that wa-was suspended 7 st-stories in the air on to a roof!" She exclaims her voice and face full of amusement. She's stutters from breaking into fits of laughter.  

I look at her like she's crazy. But look around at the other Dauntless and see them giggling with their friends. I guess it's okay to laugh here. I replay the last few minutes in my head and look back at Christina. We stare at each other then, we both burst into laughter. Me sinking onto the hard ground again and rest while laughing with christina.

After a few minutes we stop and look around. From what  can tell everybody made it onto the roof except for one. There was 9 of us when we left the Hub, now theirs 8. I realize it as the Amity boy that I saw at the choosing ceremony, Letting his blood drop onto the sizzling coals.He was the only Amity transfer. He must have not jumped on to the train to get here. 

I let it go and stand up not caring about the searing pain in my back, to full of Adrenaline to care. I just left my family. Scaled the scaffolding that holds the train up. Jumped on a moving train. Twice. Then Jumped onto a roof 7 stories up. 

"What now?" I hear Christina ask. I turn around to face her a massive grin on her face. She- also- was scanning the crowd of Dauntless.

" We just jumped onto a 7 Stories high roof." She pauses " How are we supposed to get off the roof"

" LISTEN UP" Just then a voice screams, cold and unfeeling. We turn to the sound and see a man with several piercing in his face that it makes me cringe, standing on the ledge of the roof. My heart sinks. All the Dauntless start jogging up to him and stand. I see Uriah with a group of people walking over, not bothering to jog. The man speaks again.

" Im Eric, one of your  leaders here in Dauntless" He looks so young how could he be a leader? " Several stories below us is the members entrance into the compound. If you can't muster the Courage to jump, then you don't belong here" He smirks at us " Our initiates have the privilege of going first" he says. I feel queasy and sick. They want us to jump. The Dauntless are quite, which I have a feeling doesn't happen often.

An Erudite girl with moppy brown hair and big lips, a few inches taller than me, speaks up.

" You want us to jump of a ledge?" Her mouth hangs open. I am surprised shes so shocked.

" Yes" Eric says looking amused and adds " Well somebody's got to go first, who's it going to be" 

I look around, nobody seem to want to jump of a building. Peoples eyes everywhere but Eric's. I look at- Peter is his name-  he is just brushing gravel from his candor uniform. I hate that boy. Christina told me a few stories about him on the train, but I hated him before then. He would always pick on the Abnegation accusing us of things, starting fights. 

I look around at these Dauntless, too scared, or nervous, not willing to jump first. 

I am Brave and proud. It will get me in trouble one day, but today it gives me the courage to say one word and do on thing that nobody else will. 

" Me" I say, I step forward and the crowd parts for me, looking in awe, shock or looking at me like Im a meal. Leaving a clear path to the ledge and Eric looking at me with a Grin and cold eyes. 


Word count 822! 

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