Authors note (Please read)

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OMG guys  418 reads!!!! You have no idea how much your votes, reads and comments mean to me! I'm such a Divergent fan It is a fantastic book and story but I couldn't help and see how much potential divergent by Veronica Roth had. I really think with each book the story went down hill with all the deaths, and then Tris dying in Allegiant while leaving Tobias alone. At the same time Its one of the reasons i love Divergent, It's so true, war happens and people die, make sacrifices and save the ones they love even if it means giving up there life.( That said i'm not sure Caleb decervied to have Tris save him after all he did) It is written fantastically and Is such an amazing story. But I couldn't help but look up books that other people made about divergent and came across Wattpad. I decided after a long time  reading other people's books that i should make my own, So i did. Unwelcome: Divergent I feel has a lot of potential and i believe the story could be really amazing, but i can't do it without you guys! I will continue to write this book no matter what but i need comments and votes along with reads to help encourage me! Thank you soooo much, i really really appreciate it. 

Should The next chapter be a times lapse in Tris pov so you see how she felt when tobias and her met or just continue the story! PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK!

Love you all!!! -Emberlyn

Unwelcome: DivergentWhere stories live. Discover now