Chapter 34 :Comebacks

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-----Tris Pov-----

So it turns out that Cake is an amazing fluffy and chocolaty triangle shaped food that has this gooey and smooth cream on top that is even better!!! Plus it comes in different sizes and flavors-

 " TRIS!" I spin around to see Christina running at me.

 "What happened?! Who died!? Where's the fire!?" I yell at her frantic. 

" Something amazing. Nobody and There isn't one" She says panting. I look at her confused and raise my eyebrows. She grabs my wrists and drags my to the dorms.

Well I was going to the dinning hall but whatever...

" Christina! What happened and what is with you and Dragging!" She Ignores me and shoves me into the Dorms slamming the door behind her. She rushes across the room and looks underneath and above the bucks.

" .....What are you doing?!" I ask my eyes wide, She whips around a huge smile on her face.

" Okay, Can you be a girl for a second!" She asks

" I'm always a girl" I say fake offended 

" Like a girly girl?" She asks raising her eyebrows

" Mhm kay" I say with an evil smile, twirling my hair around my finger. Her smile widens 

" Will kissed me!!!" She squeals. I'm pretty sure my jaw hits the floor.

" What! When! What happened!" I yell

" See I knew you could be a girl!!!! Okay so we were walking outside by the train tracks and we were talking- I don't remember what about- and then he stopped, leaned in and kissed me!" She says squealing 

" Oh my god! Did you know that you liked him, like like him" I ask

" No! I mean he is super cute and kind and handsome but I never knew he liked  me!" She exclaims. I want to tell her about Tobias but It would be  hard to explain.....

" Chris can you keep a secret?" I ask

" Yeah why?" She asks

"Uhhhh FourkissedmeandIreallylikehimbutIdontknowIfhelikesmebutImprettysurehedoesbecasuehekissedmetwiceso-"

" Wait slow down, what?" She asks still smiling.

" Four kissed me and I really like him but I don't know if he likes me back  but I am pretty sure he does because he kissed me twice and then I kissed him so-"

" Omg thats amazing!!!!" She squeals  "Hah I called it Fourtris!!!" 

" Huh?" Fourtris?

" It's your ship name" She says seriously calm.

" Ohhhhh. OH Fourtris. Four and Tris. Hah thats cool" I say.

" Omg my little Trissy is all grown up!!!" She yells

I sent her a death glare" Call me that again and I will hurt you" I whisper my voice low. Her eyes widen and she nods slowly. 

" Okay! Omg are you guys dating now!" I exclaim.

" I don't know!" She says sitting down " I will have to ask him..."

" Wait no. He has to ask you!" I say

" Oh right!" She says, a second later her face fills with worry " What if he doesn't ask for me to be his girlfriend? Or worse what if he says it was a mistake and-" 

" Christina! Will would be a fool not to ask you to be his girlfriend and If he doesn't that he is an idiot and you forget him"  

She nods and stands up. 

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