Chapter 71: 7th fear

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CHAPTER 71!!!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS BOOK HAS COME THIS FAR, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH, LIKE 9.1 K READS?!?!!? THAT'S UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO SO SO SO SO SO FREAKING MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

--------------------Four's Pov ( As requested by Zahrah2009 Go follow her!) --------------------

My god. 

I call Tris into the sim room and can't help but stare. She looks worse than I have ever seen her, even worse than when she came from abnegation. The spark and fire in her eyes is gone and her body is thin under her too baggy clothing. I close the door and when she goes to still down in the chair iu stop her, wrapping my hand around her arm.

" Tris" I whisper. Her head is low as she stares at the floor. She raises her head and her red puffy eyes find mine.

" Let's just get this over with" She croaks, she sits down and winces slightly. I frown but know that she won't talk right now. 

I prepare the simulation and serum, dreading every second of it. I turn around to face her, syringe in my hand and press the tip of the needle into her skin, slowly easing it into her neck. She doesn't even wince, she just sits there staring at the wall.

" Its okay Tris, I'll be right here, always" I whisper, crouching next to her,  as her eyes close.

" I love you" She mumbles as she falls into the sim. Heat swells behind my eyes and I stand up.

No you will not cry, she is fine.

Pressing the electrodes to my temples I see Tris in a room, I don't recognize but gives me chills. the room is white, cleaning supplies is on a gray shelve and on the side of it is lined with belts.

Oh god.

Please no.

Tris closes her eyes and her shoulders slouch. The room is dim and quiet, plain and I can tell its in her abnegation house. 

The door behind her opens and Marcus Comes in with an evil grin, I immediately stiffen.  

Tris doesn't move but when Andrew comes in, I see tears begin to swim in her eyes.

" Lets have some fun shall we?" Marcus says from behind her. I watch carefully and when Marcus runs his hand up Tris' arm anger blossoms inside me. 

That bastard.

"Shirt off" Andrew barks but Tris doesn't move.

" You little-" Andrew comes at her and smacks her hard across the face knocking her to the ground. I flinch.

She coughs, spitting out blood. when she tries to get up Marcus Kicks her and she is sent sprawling.

Come on Tris.

 Marcus Pins her down once he reaches her, placing Her arms above her head and Andrew santers over. Tris struggles but can't get out of his grip.

Andrew and Marcus switch places, Andrew now sits on top of her with Marcus behind her with her arms locked behind her back.

Andrew grins and pulls of Tris' shirt, Her pants and unbuckles his pants. Her eyes widen immediately and the little color in her face drains. She breathes heavier and starts to struggle even more than before, thrashing. 

" No No No No NO" She yells, thrashing so much Marcus is actually having a hard time holding her down. 

I just stare, Unable to move, to breath. I don't want to watch this, any of this, I never wanted to watch her fears but this, 

this is torture for both of us. 

They both just grin, laughing lightly as andrew unfastens Tris' bra strap, exposing her to him. 

" LET ME GO, PLEASE STOP" She screams and sobs.

I look away, I could stop this, I could end the simulation. 

No you can't

" PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP!!!!!!" She screams. She is hyperventilating at this point, panic in her eyes, thrashing and screaming for help.  I frown when I spot somebody else in the shadows, in the corner.

Tris must see it too because she stops moving. The person emerges from the shadows and my jaw drops and Tris' eyes fill with horror.

He stands there, his arms crossed, a smirk on his face dressed in all black, laughing lightly.





THANK YOU ALL SO SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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