Chapter 21: Sting

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-----Tris's Pov-----

You would think that the worst part of being abused would be the part where the belt connects with your skin. The part where the fist hits you. The part where a foot is driven into your stomach.

But really the worst part, is after. When you have to deal with the injuries that are given to you. When you have to walk through life acting as if nothing ever happened. The words  that are spoken to you when your being beaten, the things they tell you. The constant pain reminding you of those words, The sting of the achol, cleaning your wounds. 

Four go's to get me a shirt to wear, One that will better expose my back. But I don't want to, I don't want him to see me broken and damaged. The pain in my body is almost unbearable now that the adrenaline, from jumping on and of a train and all the insane things I have done, is fading. 

I don't want four to see my back, or stomach, I don't want him to know my deepest secret. I start crying as the pain intensifies and Four comes back in the bathroom. I keep my head down so he doesnt know im crying , but my sniffles is a give away. 

"Hey, hey you're okay" He coos. Four is scary and intimidating, but not in this moment. 

"How did you know" I ask my voice shaky. I want to know how he knew the blood wasn't from a cut or scrap. He hesitates, thinking. 

" Here put this on" He says, ignoring my question. He wipes away me tears and I feel a bolt of electricity. Did he feel that?

" I'll be outside, let me know if you need help" He says exiting the room and closing the door. The shirt he gave me is a tank top, loose and black. I struggle to take of my tee shirt, lifting my hands above my head is painful, I bring it up slowly and I finally get it off. When I look in the mirror I gasp escapes me. We were only allowed to look at ourselves once a month In Abnegation, so I rarely saw the damage andrew did. I can't let him see this, I can't. His words echo in my head.

"Trust me" He says

With that I slowly open the door, as promised Four is outside it. He comes in a gets some stuff ready, I catch a glimpse of gause, bandages and alcohol swabs. I frown how does he know that I will need all that.

"Trust me I understand more than you think" he mutters

Was he abused to? My thoughts are interrupted by him speaking

" Okay I need you to lift up your shirt to your ribs" He says

I can't let him see it, I just can't....

"Tris" He says causing me to look up at him. "You can trust me" He says, I look into his beautiful dark blue eyes and grab the hem of my shirt, take a deep breath and lift it, knowing I can trust him with my biggest secret.

(And this is where is should toldy end it and leave you guys dying..... but I will even more nice considering this is the 3 update today and keep going) 

I look straight into his eyes and watch them drop to my stomach. His breath hitches. 

" Tris" He breathes out. 

My stomach is bruised, not a inch of my skin tone to be seen. There are scars from knives and  a few spots of scarred skin from burns, not big just from a lighter. 

" Turn around please" He whispers, I hesitate but do anyway, My back only has a few bruises from being kicked but the scars from lash wounds, go every direction covering every inch of my skin. 

" Okay, I'm going to deal with your stomach and then we can move to your back" He says his voice cracks and when I turn around I see something that i never thought I would see.

His eyes, are watery.

" Okay" I say, he grabs a bottle and poors s liquid onto a gauze pad. 

"What is that" I ask

" Ointment, for your burns" His voice is hard and when I look in his eyes again they  are dark. He lifts up my shirt a little bit more to get to the burn underneath my bra. He places the gauze on it and I immediately let out a small scream and grab his shoulder. Tears are brought to my eyes by the pain. 

"Its okay, your okay, squeeze my shoulder as hard as you need" he says his voice softening. He holds the gauze there for a few more seconds the wipes the burn with it and takes it off. 

" I can't do this" I say tears stream down my face. I try to stop them but fail miserably.  I hate being so weak In front of people, but my initiation instructor is much, much worse.

" Hey, yes you can. Do you know how strong you are for surviving this" He whispers. At that I look up at him, his eyes hold anger and admiration. 

"Thank you" He nods and grabs another gauze pad and poors the ointment on it.

" You ready" he says the pad hovering over the next burn. I grab his shoulder again and  brace myself

" As much as I'll ever be" I whisper. Then he places the pad on the burn. 

He does this 4 times once for each burn, each time I scream unable to hold them in, it stings. 

"Thats all of them-"

"No there is another one on my hip" I say, Remembering the lighter on my skin, my screams for him to stop. 

"okay. Which one?"

" My left" I say as I pull the side of my slacks down, exposing the burn. My hands shake so He puts his hand over mine to steady it around my hip. I feel electricity everywhere his skin touches.

Then he presses the pad to the burn. I will myself to stay quite this time but a moan escapes my lips and He squeezes my hand, trying to comfort me. He pulls the pad away and stands up. 

"The ointment should get rid of any infections along with scars, so they won't leave a mark"

" Okay, thank you" I say with a small smile. He returns it and grabs the supplies and moves it to his bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask, following him out of the bathroom.

"You back" I freeze "You will want to lay down" I dont move. My back will hurt ten times worse than the burns.

"Tris, come on" He says making eye contact. "Your back is still bleeding, I would have done it first but I know you will want to be on your stomach when I do this, So I dealt with the burns. I cant do anything for the bruises except give you medicine for the pain" I narrow my eyes at him

"How do you know so much about this?" I ask. He looks away from me and gets the alcohol swabs ready. 

"We are dauntless we deal with injuries" he says coldy. I shut up, his tone is cold and hard. So I just lay down on my stomach. He lifts my shirts up to my neck. I feel his hand leave my back but don't hear anything. I prepare myself but 2 minutes go by and I don't feel anything. 

"Four?" I ask

"Yeah" he whispers. I turn my head and see him staring at my bloody back, angry filling  his eyes.

"What are you-" I start to say but he interrupts me.

"Who did this" His eyes still on my back. I stay silent, when I don't answer  him his eyes flick to mine. He says it again. He already knows. So what do I have to lose?

"My father" My voice shakes " Has beaten me ever since my Mom and sister died when I was little, around when I was nine" His eyes still on mine flash with anger, sadness, awe, and a murderous look that could wither a plant. He doesn't say anything and gets the swaps ready. 

"Okay, your going to feel a mix between burning and stinging but it should go away after a couple minutes" He says as he grabs my hand " Alright?" 

"Okay" I say and grip his hand. I place my head in his pillow and brace myself, I focus on his sent that covers the pillow and when he press's the swap to a spot full of open cuts I cant stop my self from screaming bloody murder. 


Longest chapter ever!( Word count 1486) Next chapter is Fours pov!!!

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