Chapter 4: Wish

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        I have to get out.  I have to get out. I have to get out. I have to get out. It has become a chant, a lifeline. Tomorrow is the day we take the test. Today though I am going over to Susan Black's house for her to cut my hair since nobody else will do it.

 I leave the house silently after having scrambled eggs for breakfast along with a piece of brown bread. My father has already left for work so the house was silent when I washed my dishes. Today was a free day so we didn't have school. After I go to Susan's I will volunteer at the factionless sector of the city for the day. While I am walking down the street I trip on a crack in the road. Memories flood my mind.


My family and I are walking down the cracked road, to dangerous to drive on not that we had cars anyway, when my mommy trips and screams. I cry at the sound of my moms cries of pain. my sister and father immediately rushing her to the hospital. She had broken her arm when she hit the pavement. a nurse took her blood pressure and set her bone with a smile.

*end of flashback*

Tears prick my eyes at the memories and searing pain in my back and knee. She and I were both clumsy, the too long gray slacks didn't help. My back seers  like fire and my knee stings. I had scraped my knee in the fall and the sudden movement tormented my stiff back. I pick myself up, cheeks warm from the embarrassment and continue my short walk to Susan's, pushing back the tears threatening to spill. 

     I have learned, the hard way, how to survive and cope with pain both emotional and physical. It's one thing my father has taught me without meaning to. He also taught me another lesson and an important one,

How to keep going.

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