Chapter 82: Emitted

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-------------------Zeke POV---------------------

Uriah and I laugh as we walk down the hall, turning the corner to the path outside of Four's and Tris's apartment

We see Tris and Christina walking towards us, they must be going to get their healing serum from the pharmacy 

" Hey Tris, how you feeling?" Uri asks 

" Good I guess. Hey could you guys check on Four? Something' with him, I mean I know what we just came back from but.....this is different" She asks

" Yeah of course, we are actually just on our way to see you and him" I cut in, worried by the concerned look on Tris's face and the upset look on chris's.

" We'll go see him now" uri asures her and she nods, waving goodbye and slowly half walking half limpes off with chris.

Uri and I walk to his apartment, walking faster than before as I hear sobbing from the inside of the apartment as we approach it. 

I whip my head around to see Uri with a disturbed and confused look on his face.

" The hell is that?" He asks 

The I hear commotion, like somebody fell out of their bed, by the loud thump and the fact that its Four and Tris's apartment and Tris's isn't there,

" Four" We say at the same time. Their is more sobs as Uri and I bang on the door

" FOUR!' I yell " OPEN UP BUDDY!" 

No response, just more wails.

Uri Gives me a concerned look and I nod to him.

We kick the door in and what I see horrifies me, tears sparking in my eyes as I see my best friend with his gun pressed to his temple and tears rolling down his cheeks.

Four whips around, taking the gun away from his temple and points it at us, though i'm not even sure if he can see us through his tears. 

" Four" I say as more tears gather in my eyes, threatening to spill over.

" Four put the gun down" I hear Uri say from beside me, his hand stretched out in front of him, creeping closer. 

As soon as Uri takes 1 step towards him Four turns the gun on himself again, pressing toi his temple and the tears gathering in my eyes spill over.

Why is he doing this? Tris said he was acting off, but I never imagined he was suicidal. What did they do to him? or better yet what did they do to Tris to make four want to die so much he would kill himself?

"Uri go get tris right now" I mutter, she is the only thing that can stop him.

I creep closer to him and say as sternly as I can " Four, put the gun down" 

He shakes his head, tears continuously running down his cheeks,

" I don't deserve to live. I can't do this anymore Zeke" His voice trembles and his eyes cloud over with tears, his finger tightening around the trigger. I swear under my breath as Tris emerges into the apartment as he says this and the look of pain and terror on her face is like nothing I have ever seen before. 

She looks at me, tears in her eyes on command, terrified and horrified.

I get an Idea and mouth to her to keep him distracted as I signal for Uri to go to the opposite side of the room, If i can just get behind him and tackle him then maybe just maybe i can stop him in time.  

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