Chapter 20!!! : No words

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OMG guys chapter 20! Thank you guys so much for reading and voting for my book along with commenting!!! love you all!!


-----Fours POV------

I tighten my grip on the door, so hard that the color drains from my knuckles. How could they do that to her?! She is so beautiful and strong- wait what! I shake my head and wait for the rest of initiates to pass through the door. There is nothing I can do for her in front of the initiates so I will need to wait till I can get her alone without anyone else knowing.  

Once everybody is through the door I let it close and go to the front to show them the way. We pass the Chasm and I stop. 

"This is the chasm. A daredevil jump of this ledge with end you life. It has happened before and will happen again. You have been warned" I yell over the crashing of water battling with rock. I continue to the dormitories, my mind still on Tris. Somebody did that to her, And I have a feeling it wasn't just one time. My mind wanders back to Marcus hitting my mother. The horrid sound of belt agaised skin. I shake my head to keep the thoughts out of my head. Shes gone and so is he. 

We reach the dorms. " This is the dorms, before you ask it is both boys and girls"

"There is only 8 beds" Says an erudite girl. " There was 9 to start with" 

" There is always one that doesn't make it" I say my voice cool.  " Get changed"  I am walking out of the room when I hear a candor-peter is his name- start talking.

" Hey stiff, Your bleeding" I turn around and see Tris look over her shoulder at him.

" Yeah, Jumping of the train to the roof I rolled." She turns to face him " In the process cut my back. Why do you care" Her voice is cold and for a second I am surprised. Its a good lie almost believable, it would have been aside from the fact that I know better. He starts to laugh.

"Figures you couldn't land on your feet Stiff. Plus your fine everywhere else why is your back just bleeding huh" He says. I cross my arms and watch curious what she will say. She steps closer to him. And replies in a low voice. 

" No wonder you didn't join erudite, no so bright" She grins and his face hardens. "I rolled to absorb the speed of the jump, landed on my back, gravel cut it. But Why. Do. You. Care" She says her voice low, dangerous. I smile a rare real smile. A chuckle. Peter and the initiates heads turn to me. Tris Is still staring at peter, then turns to me. 

" Tris come with me, the rest of you get changed, dinner is in an hour. Training starts at 7 am tomorrow morning, late and your factionless" I say dropping my smile.  Everybody claims a bunk and starts to change. Tris walks over to me and I motion for her to follow me. 

I decide to go to take her to my apartment where I have supplies To deal with her back.

" Where are we going?" She asks, I turn my head to her and look into her beautiful eyes. 

I know the second I tell her We need to clean her back she will say no, so I lie

" I want to show you something"


We reach my apartment and I unlock the door. 

 "Where are we?" She says eyeing me. " What do you want to show me?" I let her in. She walks in and looks around, her back to me.

"This is my apartment, I need to clean your back" Her head snaps to me. 

"Its Fine, just scraped" I sigh and shake my head. This isn't going to be easy. 

" Those aren't scrapes" She shakes her head. She looks up and avoids my eyes. When see mets my gaze, I see her eyes are watery. 

" You wouldnt understand" I almost want to laugh at that, but I hold it in. 

"Trust me I understand more that you think" I mutter she must hear me because she eyes me.  

" Come with me" I say and grab her elbow. She winces and pulls away quickly. 

"I'm fine just leave me alone" She is cradling her elbow, Its injured. I close my eyes to keep them from watering. Why does the thought of someone hurting her have this affect on me.

I grab her hand and drag her to the bathroom. "No four sto-" I Turn to her " You need help." I pause and look in her eyes " Let me help you, You can trust me" She starts blinking her eyes rapidly and turns away from me, when she looks back at me her cheeks are damp. 

" Okay" She whispers. I nod and guide her to the bathroom. Once shes inside I close the door and grab the first aid kid. Grabbing the one specifically for what I know her injuries are. 

"Stay here, i'm going to grab a shirt you can wear." She nods and I leave the bathroom. I go to my closet and grab a loose tank top she can roll up. I go back into the bathroom and see her crying.

" Hey, Hey You're okay" She looks up at me, her eyes puffy. 

" How did you know" her voice is creaky and quite. I give her a confused look then realize shes talking about her back. I struggle to come up with a excuse.

" Here put this on" I say ignoring her question, I can't tell her. Then wipe away her tears, I feel an electric shock go through my arm when I touch her. I wonder if she felt that too. 

"I'll be outside, let me know if you need help" She nods and I step out, closing the door. After about 5 minutes she opens the door. She is wearing one of my black tank tops, still in her abnegation slacks. 

I get the supplies ready. Gause, otinment, water, alcohol swabs and bandages. 

"Okay, I need you to roll up your shirt to your ribs" I say, She hesitates and doesn't move, looking down.

"Tris" She looks up at me " You can trust me" I give her a small smile. I try to prepare myself for what I will see when she lifts her shirt but what I see when she dose lift it...............

Nobody can papare for that.


Word count 1125 

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