Chapter 59: Lost

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------------Tris's pov---------------

The second before I hit the ground I am caught my two arms. A man hits the ground hard in order to catch me in time, he had to literally drop with me. He groans briefly, wincing as I lay limp in his arms, my head and back on his legs/ lap. 

" Tris?" He asks worry and confusion lased in his voice. I lay limp there, dazed as I look around. Everything is blurry and I can't think straight.  

I catch a glimpse of a group of people and furrow my eyebrows. Where did they come from? Where am I?

I look up at the man that catched me; He is very handsome, has gorgeous dark blue eyes and worry and concern are etched into his features, Who is he?

My mind clears and I stand up abruptly.

Stand back and my body automatically gets into a weird stance. I look down at myself. What am I doing?

" Who the hell are you and where am I?!" I yell as they stare at me with wide eyes and confused glances.

This isn't the roof of Dauntless....

I look at Christina and Uriah.

" Chris? Uriah? What's going on?!" I yell at them and Chris burst out in tears as The man that catched me walks deadly fast to the man on the ground. 

"What did you do to her!" The man with blue eyes yells at the man grinning at me from the ground. Blue eyed man grabs the front of the man on the grounds shirt and pulls him off the ground.

Uriah comes toward me but I start screaming

" STAY THERE" I scream,still in the weird stance. 

" What is going on, where am I?! Who the hell are you guys and how did I get here!!!" I yell frantic, scared and The blue eyes man looks back at me, as does everybody else.

What is going on? 


Okay another cliffhanger... yeah i'm REALLY SORRY IM ADDICTED TO THEM!!! and PLOT CHANGE.  Yeah this is gonna get really good.....But it's going to get worse before it gets better hehehe......... Yeah......... love you all!!! 

Word count 364

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