Chapter 40: Flashback

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------Tris's POV-----

Warning this chapter is sad and has sexual harassment content in it. I suggest reading it as it is important but if you are younger that 12 or 13 skip it, or if you are really sensitive to it. 


I am 15 years old and walking home from school. Andrew will be home due to all the council members having a day off. I walk up the path to my house- or prison, preparing myself for what will happen to me when I enter. Andrew said that I would be getting a surprise when I get home from school and that Marcus will be there too, so undoubtedly It Is probably another beating.

I take a deep breath, my hand on the door knob and push my shoulders back so he cant reprimand me for bad posture and twist the knob, stepping inside. 

Inside Andrew sits in the easy chair and I spot marcus sitting on the stairs and Evil smile on his face, he looks....excited

" Hello Beatrice." Andrew greets

" Hi" I Whisper.

" We are trying something new today!" Marcus says, grinning. I cringe at his face and look back at my "Dad", trying to read what mood he was in. 

" Marcus take her upstairs to the room"  We have a special sound proof room especially for beatings.  

"Sure thing"  Marcus grips my arm and yanks me up the stairs Andrew following. I am shoved into the room, andrew and marcus stepping in after me and lock the door.

" Lay  down"  Andrew orders. I know better than to argue so I do.  

" Get behind her and hold her arms" Andrew says To marcus. I give him a confused look and flinch when he sits down behind me and pulls me flush against his chest, gripping my arms so tight they throb.

Andrew separates my legs and ties them down.

" What are you doing?" Andrew looks up and glares at me and I shirk down, cowering.

" Let's get started shall we?" Marcus says pulling me tighter against him, I struggle a bit but Andrew slaps me across the face, and I stop. When andrew pulls of my shirt I don't think anything of it. Same old routine, Probably going whipped on my Stomach. I think bitterly

Then he starts to remove my pants, leaving me in my bra and panties.

" Dad? What are you doing?" I ask, getting panicky . He looks up at me and smiles menacingly. 

When he undoes his pants and takes them of, Realization hits me, I have been through heath ed, so I know about things like this. He has a package in his hand and his opens it. I close my eyes and  start to struggle against Marcus, trying desperately to get free

" No Please stop" I say Desperately. I'm 15 this can't happen to me. He's a monster and my father and this cant happen. 

He removes my bra and I thrash to excape. 

" NO" I yell " STOP, LET ME GO!" I yell tears pricking my eyes

He ignores me and removes my panties. Andrew grinns coming between my legs and removing his pants and underwear.

This can't be happening.

" Damn you got a nice rack don't you beatrice" Marcus whispers in my ear.

" STOP! LEAVE ME ALONE, PLEASE DAD STOP" I start to sob and he touches me and comes closer. I scream, begg, sob and thrash but nothing stops him from pushing himself inside me. Pain spreads across my body and I scream more, wanting more than anything for him to stop.

" Shut up!" He yells, moaning

" PLEASE BEAT ME, PUNISH ME, SCREAM AT ME BUT PLEASE STOP, DON'T DO THIS"  I scream at him, tears streaming down my face. He stops and pulls out from me and stands up. 

" Fine, Marcus do your thing. But after your all mine and you won't be able to stop me, or make it difficult"  He sneers pulling up his pants and leaving. Marcus lets my arms go and  gets up grabbing a belt and brings it down on me, I scream and scream until I can't anymore.

It hurts so much.

Marcus stops after at least 2 hours and I can't move, or scream, or cry or feel the blood coating my body.

I'm empty.

Marcus leaves and returns with andrew. He lays on top of me despite my weak struggling against him and marcus. 

" Please, I'm begging you, dont" I whisper horsely. My throat is raw and hurts from screaming. Andrew just grins wider and picks up where he left off.

He continues for hours and when he falls asleep on top of me, I am still crying and struggle to get him off of me. Unfortunately I wake up Marcus and he whispers thinks in my ear. Things I never want to hear. 

The next morning When andrew wakes up he starts up again while Marcus makes breakfast. No Longer needing to hold me down, due to me not being able to move myself.  Though I don't give up on begging for him to stop and struggling against him.  

Nothing stops him. 

He doesnt stop until It's no fun for him anymore, 

5 days after. 

-----Flashback over----

I know It's sad and horrible but I figured I would do a flashback. I literally had a hard time writing this chapter without screaming into the screen.....I was very mad at them and sad that Tris had to go through this. 

What did you guys feel when you read this? What do you think? 



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