Chapter 60: Waiting

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------------Tobias's POV-----------------

We stand outside of the hospital, waiting for Tris to come out. She is being checked out by  a doctor to see what the hell Peter did to her. Images from not even an hour ago, fill my head. 

She didn't know who anybody except Uri and Chris were. The doctors said when they ran her labs after taking her blood that she was injected with some sort of short lasting memorie serum.

The girls had to stop us, me,uri, zeke, from going down to the jail cell and murdering peter right then and there. He was arrested and put under truth serum, revealing that he was wondering the Compound looking for tris so he could inject her with the memory serum and then convince her it was an emergency so she would follow him and then he would kidnap her.

Sick bastard.

The doctors said that the serum should only last for a 5 or so hours and then she will be back to normal. 

We all wait for them to let her out. They had to do a full neuro check to see if anything else was wrong, so it seems that something like that takes a long time. 

It's been 3 hours since she was injected with the serum so there is another 2 hours or so left. 

The whole gang sits in the waiting rooms chairs will I pace in  front of them. Just then Tris comes walking out with Dr. shepard, her previous neuro doctor.

" She's back" I say and walk toward them, The all shoot up from there chairs and follow me.

" She is all good. The serum should wear off in a couple hours and then she will be fine. There probably won't be any long lasting damage." Dr. Shepard says. I sigh in relief and look over at Tris, she looks at her shoes, not raising her gaze to met anybody's else's but Uri looks nervous still.

" You said there probably won't be any permanent damage. there's a chance she might not remember her best friends?" He says, tears swelling in his eyes. At this Tris looks up at us.

" There is a chance, yes" Dr. Shepard says. I squeeze my eyes shut and flop back down, immitaly regretting it. Searing pain shoots up my thigh and I grimace, biting my lip to keep myself from crying out.

" Are you okay?" Dr. shepard asks

" Yeah, I just...Hurt my leg." I say, hesitantly. She frowns.

" Come with me" She says

 "Its nothing, im fine" 

" Doesn't look like it" She retorts " Look, let me look at it and If it's nothing than you guys can go. if not then I will give you some off the healing serum I gave Tris and you will be fine" She says.

Another shooting pain goes up my leg and I wince. " Fine"  I say and reluctantly stand up,  following her , after I tell the gang I will be back in a few. 

We enter a patient room and she asks me to change into a hospital gown. I sigh but do anyway.

When she sees the back of my thigh, I look over my shoulder to see her face,

Full of shock, and worry. 





2 chapters in one night! *Mental high five* 

word count 590 

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