Chapter 70!!!! : Old factions die Hard

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CHAPTER 70!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS BOOK HAS COME SO FAR- I MEAN CHAPTER 70 WITH 8.9 K READ!!!!!!!! THATS CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH BUT ESPECIALLY 64FourTris46 AND Tobias_46_Tris  FOR ALLALL THEIR SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍💕💕💕💕🙌🙌🙌🙌😊😊😘😘😘😘 GO READ THERE AMAZING BOOKS AND FOLLOW THEM!!!!!!!!!

----------Tris pov-------------

Let me just say, 

Dauntless cake is AMAZING!

I'm sitting in the dining hall, with a mountain of cake on my plate, With the gang. Everybody is here except the person I want to see the most, Tobias. Uriah has 6 pieces of cake on his plate, I have 4, christina has 3, will has 1, lynn has 3, shanna and marlene both has 2 and zeke has 5. 

We all feel horrible, between the lack of sleep, nightmares and the dreading feeling of having training in in 15 minutes. Don't even get me started on how bad we all look. 

Uriah groans and shoves a fork loaded with cake into his mouth, propping  his head up with his arm and resting his head heavily on it. 

" I dont want to do more fear sims" Uri wines

" Quick wining Uriah" Lynn snaps, she has been more cranky than usual. Uri glares but shuts up and continues to stuff his mouth full of cake. 

" We have to be at the sim room in 13 minutes" Will says checking his watch.

" You could always just round up or down, sooooo like 10 minutes or 15" I suggest yawning. Will looks confused and chris starts to laugh at his expression.

" But you can't round down or else everybody will think they only have 10 minutes when they have 13 and you definitely can't round up cause then people will think they have an extra 2 minutes and then you would be 2 minutes late." Will states and we all turn to stare at him.

We all stare at him in silence. Lynn opens her mouth like she is going to say something but just tilts her head and looks at him confused. Raising my eyebrows I hold in a laugh and out of the corner of my eye I see Christina doing the same.  Uri shoves another forkful of cake into his mouth and chews sloppily. 

Will looks confused and has a puzzled look on his face.  I can't take it anymore and burst out laughing, as if on cue Christina, Marlene, and shanna all do at the same time as me. 

It feels good to laugh but then I think of Tobias, and I picture him with a gun pressed to his temple and blood covering his skin. 

I stop laughing.

" Okay guys, Lets go, we have" I tilt my wrist and look at it, pretending I am looking at a watch as I stand up " Exactly 4 minutes and 46 seconds" I say acting like Will. As I finish my sentence Wills head snapes up with panic in his red sleep deprived eyes.

" What?! it takes us exactly 3 minutes and 37 seconds to get to the sim room and 2 minutes and 19 seconds to put all our food away and clean up! Which means we would be 1 minutes and 56 seconds late!" He starts frantically grabing his food wrappers but before he can even pick them up to put them in the trash Christina is Standing up and sitting down on his lap

" Will. Look at me" She says a smirk on her face. 

We all stare in amusment  as Wills eyes widen as he impaiently waits for her to speak. 

" Honey we have exactly 10 minutes till we need to be at the sim room. Which actually means that we will be 5 minutes early." she whispers and he turns to glare at me.

 "Evil" He whispers shaking his head. I giggle as we all stand up and head of to the sim room.

I catch a glimpse of myself in the metal on the garbage and ringe slightly, I look utterly horrible, well I mean getting less than 4 hours of sleep filled with nightmares might do that to a person. 

I shiver at the memories of them and sigh. I remember a quote that I made up in abnegation that got me through the day, and Replay it over in my head until I catch up with the others and we all reach the sim room exactly 5 minutes to spare.

Head up,

Stay strong,

Fake a smile,

Move on.


AHHHHHH I LOVE THAT QUOTE SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK OF THE CHAPTER AND WHO'S POV YOU WANT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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