Chapter 39: Bringing it back

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------Four's POV------

Tris and I lay in her bunk for a few minutes, kissing before we decide to walk to the pit. We link hands and walk out the dorms.

" So How's Christina and Will doing" I ask, She smiles up at me and answers " Their great. Will is probably suffering through shopping but-" Tris stops, letting go of my hand, freezing, fear and terror  Filling her eyes as she focuses on something in the distance.

" Tris? What's wrong-" I cut myself off when I see what she is focusing on. A man in a grey suit stands at the end of the hallway. A smirk on his face. Cold suddenly fills the air and I look back at Tris, then At the man. 

" Tris" I say in a low voice. She doesn't respond. " Tell me that isn't who I think it is" I whisper emotion overcoming my body. Anger, resentment, shock, confused, protectiveness, and more anger infect my mind. She stands still looking at him.

Please tell me it isn't him. Please don't be him-

" Andrew" She whispers, her voice shaking. I look back at him, hatred in my eyes. His smirk grows and he slowly walks over. Intimately Tris takes a step back. Her breathing increasing. I look down at her hands and see they are shaking like a leaf, she clenches her hands to the hem of her shirt to steady them. 

I step forward and glare. He tilts his head a little bit and looks up and down at me. His eyes switch over to Tris and she flichs. She's terrified. 

I swear If he even thinks about touching her.

He takes a few steps forward, so he is only about two meters away.

 "Hello Beatrice" He sneers. She cringes back, her breathing increasing more, almost hyperventilating, yet keeping herself in control.

He takes another step toward her but I stop him

" Stay right there, take another step And i'll come to you" I say in my instructor Four voice. He  snickers and sends daggers at Tris. She looks at him straight in eye not once looking away, hasn't since she first saw him. Damn She's brave. 

" So who is this, beatrice" He asks smirking at her.

" Don't you dare talk to her" I say

" Look I don't know whatever she told you but you know she's 16, she obviously not thinking straight I mean she left from her home-"

" Good one andrew" Tris says from behind me " Who gave you that one, Marcus? Or new crazy Girlfriend" She spits " Or maybe you can up with that one all on your own" She sneers.

I smile, That's my girl. 

" Finally got some words fight words out of that mouth." He says, he smiles at me " Usually it's just Screams" He says, I fight the urge to smash his face in but the small hand on my arm helps me. 

" You bastard" I spit

" Oh come on, It was for-"

"Her own good" I finish, cringing " Yeah, Marcus gave you that one" I say. He looks me over once more and then starts to laugh. A crazy one.

Is this guy high?

" Ahhhh tobias, It's nice to see you again" He says, cold slipping over me once again." You know he gave me some tips that he tried out on you. I mean i'm sure she has told you all about me. So you probably know that Marcus helped me make her scream. It was quite fun actually, especially that trick with, the um, what was it, beatrice. Rubbing alcohol?" He says, I see Tris visabley shutter, at the reminder.

I stare in horror.  Marcus poured rubbing alcohol on my back before whipping me. It makes the skin ridged, and when your hit with the belt, your flesh is exposed to the chemical. It puts you through double the pain, you would be without the rubbing alcohol. I tense and Tris squeezes my arm, telling me not to pounce on him and beat him to a pulp. 

She knows that I went through the same thing, so I know exactly what he is talking about and the pain her inflicted on her, with the help of my father. 

" Oh! And Tris, do you remember that night?" out of my peripheral vision I see Tris's eyes widen and Horror fills her eyes.

What is he talking about?"

" That night that Marcus held you down? And I removed your clothes, while you screamed and begged for me to stop?" He says smiling.  

Marcus held her down what... Is he- Is he saying that he raped her? And that Marcus helped him?! That marcus was there. Or worse apart of it?!

Tris's hand falls of my arm and she takes a step back dropping her eyes, her eyes flicking in every direction. She drags her hands up to her ears and covers them and starts muttering something.

I swing back around and face Andrew.

" That day, Or should I say few days." He chuckles " That was really fun, especially when she stopped fighting after Marcus beat her so bad she could barely move . " He looks at me when he says Marcus "After that we had a lot for positions That we could try, now that you couldn't fight back. " I stare in horror and then it all sinks in. I look back at tris and see her sinking to her knees. I see tears on her face as she looks at Andrew, she is shaking and When she looks at me, I see it in her eyes. 

It's true.

And she is reliving it all.

She looks back at Andrew and his lips curl into a grin. 

" Did I mention, You look damn sexy in those black clothes. Too bad you didn't have those that week" 

Everything comes together, realization hitting me like the belt would.

That's when I snap.

I punch him in the face. I hear Tris gasp and He falls back clutching his face and stumbles to get up. I'm there before he can. I punch him again and he falls on his back. I Get on top of him and start to punch him in the face.

I picture him Hitting Tris and hit him harder. I see Marcus holding her down and punch his chest, he gasps and I see him Touching her I punch as hard as I can and I hear a crack and he screams.

I get off of him and kick him in the ribs, sending him sprawling into the stone wall. My knuckles ache but I ignore it and look over at Tris, she is still muttering things, kneeling on the ground and looking at Andrew. I walk over to her and bend down, looking into her eyes.

" Tris" I whisper she stays staring " Tris "I say again

Suddenly Somebody grabs me and pulls me away from her. 

What the- 

I look up to see Andrew, his face already bruised and he is holding his ribs but he is by tris. No- he is hitting Tris.

" Ahhh" She yells as he punches her, Tears Streaming down her face. I jump up, but am stopped by two arms, I whip around and see somebody that I never wanted or thought I would see again.






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