Chapter 18: Four

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---Tris's Pov-----

Once I am of the platform Christiana is pulled from the net by Lauren. When I reach the dauntless surrounding  the net they clap me on the back, making my wince, and congratulate me. 

 Christina lands on the platform with a yelp. I smile at her, her hair is short but it still managed to get everywhere. Her candor uniform is tattered and ripped.  I probably look ten times worse. 

She looks around her and spots me and smiles, her eyes wide. She gives her name to Lauren and steps of the platform, joining me in the crowd. We stand next to each other as another initiate drops into the net with a yell. This time clothed fully in black, A dauntless born.  

I recognize him immediately as Uriah when I see his chocolate brown eyes and goofy smile as he drops from the net on do the platform with ease. He has light brown skin and dark brown hair with a snake tattoo behind his ear. 

"Uriah" Lauren says without asking for his name.

"You know it" Says uriah with a wink.  Four gives him a slight push towards the crowd of dauntless with a grin. 

Once all the transfers and dauntless-borns have jumped we all gather in a crowd. 

"Dauntless-borns Come with me. I assume you guys dont need a tour of the place" Lauren says. The dauntless borns flee from the crowd and head towards lauren, while laughing and hanging off each other. I grin and stifle a laugh as Uriah gets tripped by a girl with a shaved head. He recovers before he falls right on his face and shoves the girl. 

"Lynns a meanie" he says loud enough for us to hear. 

"Shut it Uri" She snaps.

" Pansycake" He says. Huh? I look at Christina with a questioning look and she looks back at me with the same expression and shrugs. 

" Okay, listen up!" Four yells." Transfers your with me. I am your initiation instructor, most of the time I work in the control room. My name is four." He says scanning the room of initiates. 

Christina breaks into a fit of giggles. Why is she giggling? Fours eyes snap to her and she lifts her head to met his, a huge smile on her face. 

"Something funny initiate" he says

"Your name is four? Like the number" she asks amusement clear in her voice.

"Exactly like the number" He says 

" What happened 1, 2, and 3 were taken?" she says with a giggle. He gives her a cold stare, the walks toward her, slowly taking his time. when he's about less that a foot away from her he stays there. He is tall at least 6'0 she's only probably 5'2(A/n Theo james is 6.0 ft in real life and Zoe Kravitz is 5.2 in real life) . He towers over her and his face breaks  into a small grin. Her smile falters and he leans in close to her.

" If I wanted to Put up with candor smart mouths I would have joined there faction" He says his voice deadly low. Since everybody is dead silent staring at them his voice is heard even from the back of the room. "The first lesson you learn from me, is to keep your mouth shut." He pauses and raises his eyebrows "  Got that?"  He asks. She nods ever so slightly, no longer smiling. 

He nods " Good" He backs away and turns around walking away. Four is tame on the front  by dauntless standers , no piercing, tattoos or crazy hair except for two lines of ink curling around his neck. But when he turns his back I see the edge of a tattoo peeking up over the collar of his black jacket. 

" Follow me" He says. We do. 

" What a jerk" Christina whispers.

"Maybe he just doesn't like to be laughed at" I whisper back. 

We walk down a dark stone cordor. Only small blue lights every few meters light the path. I step with hesitance, not being able to see where I am going. 

Four reaches two double doors and pushes them both open. Opening up a huge cavern. I gasp with the initiates. There are paths up the walls and  a rock base at the bottom. All the walls and paths, floor everything is made by rock and stone. It's amazing. There are holes in the walks with stores filling them. I can't even see the other side of the-

" This is the pit, the center of life at dauntless" he says with a small smile. So thats what its called. Music blasts from the speakers in the walls. I look up to see a glass ceiling. 

" You will one day learn to love-

" The pit" Christina snickers " Cleaver name" She needs to learn to shut it. I look at four, he just stares her down. She drops her smile slowly as the second pass, him just staring at her. I have a feeling He has that effect on people. He will look at them and make them want to disappear. I look at her, her smile along with the amusement in her eyes have drained from her face. 

" As I was saying, this Is the pit you will one day learn to love it" He says still staring at Christina. His eyes leave her eyes and switch to mine. 

" If you'll follow me I will show you the dormitories"

 He walks down one of the paths. It has no railing and when I look down I see straight down drop to the ground. Wouldn't want to fall from up here.  We all single file cross the path and follow Four, who has already reached another set of doors, waiting for us. His eyes cling to me as I pass him and enter the dark cordor. 

My shoulders back trying to relive the pinch in my back. I feel a warm liquid roll down my back. My wounds must of opened up. Andrew had one of his really bad nights last night and with all that has happened today especially jumping of a 7 storey  roof and being slammed into a net I'm not surprised  that it has caused them to open. 

But what do I do now?


Word count 1046!

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