Chapter 36: Candor or Dauntless

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------Fours's Pov-------

" Four Candor or dauntless" Uriah asks and evil grin on his face. 

" Dauntless" I say I have to many secrets to say candor this early in the game.

" I dare you to tell us your real name" 

" Four" I say

 " Your real name" He says

" You dared me to tell you my real name. I didn't say truth so I don't need to answer truthfully" I say with a smug smile.

 "What! That's not fair" He yells pouting. Tris laughs with Marlene at him.

God her laugh

" Christina Candor or dauntless" I ask 

" Dauntless" She says confidently

" I dare you to not wear make up for the rest of initiation"  I smile evilly

" What NO!" She says slipping out of her dress. At least she wore layers.

" Tris Candor or dauntless?" She asks. Tris hesitates but says Dauntless.

" I dare you to sit on Four's lap for the rest of the game" She says. Tris's eyes flick over to mine. I nod slightly showing her that i'm okay with it if she is.

 She stands up and walks over sitting reluctantly on my lap, leaning forward so She is not touching me. I make sure that I am not touching her so she is not more uncomfortable than she probably already is. 

" Christina C or D" She asks 

 "D" She says

" I dare you to sit on Wills lap for the rest of the game." She says smiling

Christina huffs and gets up, going over to Will and sitting down.

" Marlene C or D" 

" Dauntless!" Marlene yells

" I dare you to go to the pit and propose to the first person you see, if they say no than slap the and say that you hoped that they would say no and if they say yes than say in your dreams" She says.

" Uhhh okay, Who is witnessing"

Marlene, uriah and lynn come back laughing.

" It was PETER" Uriah yells doubling over in laughter. We all breakout laughing and start the game back up.

"Okay Uriah, D or C" Marlene's voice shakes from laughter.

" Dauntless I ain't no pansycake!" He yells.

 "I dare you to kiss your crush" She says. He gets up and walks toward marlene, she looks shocked when he holds out his hand for her to take. She does and he helps her stand up. Then he kisses her.

I knew it!

They break away blushing and sit down again. Everyone looks at them with wide eyes and they look down blushing.

" Okay Tris C or D" He asks

" Candor" She replies. For a second I am surprised.

" What is your real name" He asks. She hesitates but decides to answer.

" Beatrice" She says her voice low and quiet, like she is ashamed. I fight the urge to grab her hand to comfort her.

" Wait like Prior?" Uriah asks

" Yes" She snaps  Uriah leans back and puts his hands up in fake defense. 

She scans the room looking for her next victim

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