Chapter 29: Confessions

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Hey guys here is your promised chapter! I know I haven't updated a chapter recently and For that i'm sorry, I have been sick with a cold so I haven't been feeling up to writing, I am still sick but needing something to do so I figured I should write Chapter 29! I'm sorry if this chapter isnt my best, as my mind isn't at its best but I will try as much as possible to make it as good as any other chapter. BTW This chapter is really long!!! Thank you guys so much! Stay safe, brave and Divergent!!!-Emberlyn07

P.S OMG guys I just realised that I Published the first chapter 64 days ago!!!!!

-----------------------Fours Pov-------------------------

I'm insane. I have lost my mind.  

Am I really doing this? Am I really going to confess to everything That has happened to me? Everything that I have worked so hard to keep hidden?

Its 10:46 PM( A/N See what I did there...hehehe I couldn't help it guys!!! XD) and I am pacing in my apartment Waiting to leave for the Chasm. 

And spill all your secrets you have spent the past 2 years trying to keep hidden

I am supposed to meet Tris at the Chasm in 15 minutes, At 11 PM, But I can't bring myself to  walk out the door of my apartment. Can't bring myself to tell her my darkest secrets. 

Come on Tobias, You can do this. This is Tris, You can trust her.

But what if i can't. What if she goes and freaks out that I'm Marcus kid, Her so called  fathers closest "friend". 

Don't be stupid. You know that you can trust her. Her voice and face, reaction and eyes said it all when she was, well accusing you, not even 6 hours ago.  She didn't look at me with pity or disgust. She asked for a answer even though she already had one and even then she didn't have that tone like Eric did when her threatened to tell everybody my name. She didn't have that tone, The threatening " I know your secret" Type tone or the " You better be careful or I will tell everybody" Tone. 

 I look at the clock; 10:55 PM.

Its now or never Tobias.  I run my fingers through my hair and force my feet to take the 3 steps it takes  to reach the door and pull it open. I walk out and head to the chasm. 

I try to figure out how I'm going to tell her that my insane and monstrous Father, Her father's Closest friend, Beat my mother with a belt and punched and kicked me. Till she left me and my father  when I was 7 and then my father blamed me and started to beat me with a belt and cut me with knifes, along with the punching and kicking, till I was unconscious, and even then, wouldn't stop. That I was beaten for 16 years of my life everyday, till I could escape at the choosing ceremony. 

Great. Fantastic. Just perfect.    

I sigh and push all the thoughts out of my head as I reach the Chasm. Tris isn't here yet so I walk to the railing and lean on it, putting my head in my hands. Letting the sound of rushing water, battling with rock, calm my mind. 

I don't know how long I stay like that but Later I hear light footsteps on rock. I wouldn't have heard them, except for the fact that, I, Have trained myself to hear them. Trained myself to hear any sound, no matter how small, To warn me of people's presence.  

I lift my head and my eyes are meet with Tris's beautiful ones. She gives me a small smile, walking over to me. 

" Hey" I say returning her smile.

" Hi" She responds, leaning on the railing beside me. 

Crap. Crap.Crap! How am I going to do this. I can't do this. There's not way. How do You tells someone that for 16 years you have been beat- Idiot! She has too. Or at least I am pretty sure she has. Actually I'm positive she has, Andrew and Marcus were like two peas in a pod, Did everything together, both their wives died or at least that's what everybody else thinks, except for me and marcus that know that Evelyn, My mother, Left me and him.

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