Chapter 35: Party at the Pedrahs

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------Tris's Pov-----

I peel my eyes open, blinding by light I drag my hand up to my eyes to cover them.

" Hey she's awake" A feminine voice whispers.


I look over to my left and sure enough see Christina, will and Al.

" Hey" I whisper 

" Hey there" Christina says 

" Girl you put up one hell of a fight" Will says from behind her. I laugh a little bit and expect to be washed over with pain but I don't feel any...

" Why don't I feel like I was just in a fight-to-the-death with Peter" I ask, Will smiles

" Erudite healing meds" He says " You were out for 8 hours, which gave the meds enough time to heal most of your injuries"  Crap, 8 hours!

"What time is it!" I raise my voice

" Chill its like- Will what time is it?" She asks smiling.

" 5:30" Al says from behind them.

"Al what happened to your face" I ask He laughs

" Why don't you focus on your face"

" Well I know what happened to my face I was there sort of" They all laugh and I smile

" Tris, making jokes! We should get her on painkillers more often" Will whispers to Chris. 

" You guys should go, It's almost dinner time." I State with a smile. Chris motions for them to go and she takes my hand.

 "Also Four was here earlier" She says raising her eyebrows. " And Will asked me to be his girlfriend!" She squeals

 "Oh my god that's amazing! I'm happy for you guys" I shout She squeezes my hand and turns around to go but hesitates and turns back around.

" Tris. You put up one hell of a fight today, and won. Against peter. You could have stopped but you didn't and kept picking yourself up. Kept going even though you could have given up. It was amazing.  "She says smiling " Just dont ever do that to me again, I felt like I was going to throw up. Like you were coughing blood and screaming and-"  I cut her off, still smiling

" Chris, Yes I coughed blood and screamed but I Won. I'm okay and If it's one thing I like to do, its to defy-

" The odds" She finishes. " Yeah that was pretty awesome, Your really good at comebacks!" She says chuckling.

"  Go before you miss dinner I will be there in a few" 

" Bye Trissy!"


" GOT IT!" She shouts back. 

I get up and end up swaying and nurse comes over and sees me up.

 "Oh be careful!" She says rushing over.

" I'm fine" I say

 "You lost a lot of blood so you will be dizzy for a bit and you have a concussion but then yes you should be fine."

" Can I go?" 

" Yes, just let me grab you your clothes" She leaves and comes back and couple minutes later with my clothes, handing them to me.

I change into them and out of the gown the gave me and leave the infirmary, heading to the dinning hall.

There is a aching in my head, probably from when I was kicked in the head. A hot anger runs through me but I remember that Peter Is probably in worse shape. 

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