Chapter 25: Wrong

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------Tris's Pov----

" Training is split up into 2 stages. The first is physical, push your body to the breaking point. The second is Mental, Same thing push your mind to the breaking point, unless you break before." Fours voice booms in the training room. " Rankings will determine what order you will  pick your jobs in. The higher the rank, the better the job" He says scanning the room of initiates. 

" What were you ranked" Asks peter, I look at four curiously.

" I was first" He replies, shock and awe fill every ones features.

" And you choose to do this?!" Peter exclaims " Why didn't you choose a government job?" 

" Didn't want one" Four says with a shrug. 

" The second purpose of the ranks is to determine who gets cut" Four says, he looks unhappy but masks it with a blank expression. What does he mean "cut"?

" Cut?" Asks Christina

" The 4  lowest ranked initiates at the end of stage one will be leaving us, including the Dauntless-borns. Then at the end of stage Two another 6 initiates will be leaving us as well." Says four

" To do what?" Al speaks up

" There's no going home to your families so you live factionless" Four replies, something laced in his voice but I can't tell what It is.  Cold slips across my body and an eerie feeling lingers in the air. His words echo in my head.

" The four lowest ranked initiates at the end of stage one will be leaving us." 

" Then at the end of stage two another 6 initiates will be leaving us as well" 

" There's no going home to your families so you live factionless" 

Factionless. I can't be factionless, I was taught it was worse than death. I won't be Factionless and I will make it through initiation. I will be Dauntless. 

" Why didn't we know that?" asks will

" It's a new rule" Fours spits. Christina opens her mouth to say something but Four's eyes snap to her and he glares . She closes her mouth and takes a step back. I want to laugh at the fact that he can just look at someone and shut them right up. It's awesome. 

" In stage one You will learn to fight, shoot a gun, and throw knives. Thankfully if your here you know how to get off and on a moving train, so we don't need to teach you that" He says smirking. " I will demonstrate types of punches on the punching bags and then you can start to practice them. After that at 12 I will dismiss you to go to lunch, come back in a hour and train till 5. Dinner's at 6 and after that you can do whatever you want till 10. When you Become a member of dauntless you can create your own schedule but right now you follow the one made for you. Understand" Four says, his voice deep.  We nod and he goes over to the punching bags and starts to demonstrate how to punch and shows us a few other simple types of punches and kicks. After 15 minutes of demonstrating he sends us to practice. 

I try some straight pouches but no matter how hard I hit the bag, It doesn't even sway. Four comes over a couple minutes later and looks me over.

" You don't have much muscle" He says

" I wonder why" I mutter, His body tenses and I know he heard me and knew exactly what I was talking about. 

 "You need to fix your stance, here watch me" I move out of the way and he goes in front of the bag. 

" Have one foot back and the other infront, keep your knees bent and have a slight bounce in your stance. Don't lock up  your knees." He says showing me the correct stance. 

"Then throw your weight into the punch" He says as he throws a fist at the punching bag and when the blow connects with the bag it lerges back swigs on the chain. I frown at it and nod. 

He moves out of the way and I try it myself. I stand how he was and when I throw the punch the back  moves back the tiniest bit, barely anything but at least I made it move. I try it again and It barely moves again, Frowning I try again. Same thing. I go for a 4th try but a hand of my stomach stops me, it turns my body so my belly button is straight in front of the bag, in line. I wince and cover the hand, but quickly remove my hand from there's. I look Up and see two dark blue orbs. 

" Keep tension here and stay squared up" He says, he removes his hand and I feel tingling everywhere as his hand slides off my stomach.  I contract my abs and hit the bag. The bag moves an inch back. I squeeze my abs together again and wince. 

" I know it hurts but If you don't do it, it wont work" He whispers so only I can hear. I nod and such it up and do it again, a new determination set in my heart. I will make this bag move. I picture andrew and hit the bag harder, it moves more. I picture him again and hit the bag again it moves as much as it did before, now 2 inches.

 I practice till I am about to pass out and Four dismiss us for lunch.

" Hey are you okay" Christina runs up to me. I give her a confused look.

" Yeah, why" I ask

" you look like your about to faint" She says

" Im fine go ahead, I'm going to stay here i'm not hungry" 

" Are you sure" She asks concerned

" Yup" I say plopping the  "P" and fake a smile. She buys it and walks away. I look around and spot four over at a table, writing something down. I go over and stumble, feeling lightheaded. Somethings wrong. 

" Four" I say, he looks up from the paper and spots me. 

" Something's wrong" I whisper

" Tris?" He asks concern and worry fills his features as My vision blurs and  I start to fall, He shoots up from his chair at the table and catches me before I hit The ground. 

"Tris!" I hear him say as he puts his arm underneath my knee and another one underneath my back, I groan as puts his hand on my back, and His face fills with confusion. He pulls his hand out from underneath my knee and lifts up my shirt, He touches my back and I groan again. 

As I black out I feel his hand pull away from my back and I catch A glimpse of a red liquid covering his fingers. I feel myself slipping out of consciousness as he swears under his breath, picking me up bridal style and telling me to keep my eyes open, stay awake and with him.

 I try to hold on but as he runs to the training room doors, I can't hold on any longer. 

Darkness consumes my mind. 



I'm so evil....... and amazing..... But mainly evil....😈😁

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- Emberlyn07

Word count 1267!

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