Chapter 13: Leap of Faith

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Hey guys Im sorry for not updating sooner! school is starting in two days so after this updates will be pretty slow but I will try my best! Comments and suggestions really help! love you guys thanks for reading this far!

- Emberlyn07


I look out of the train car and see the city rushing past us in a blur. The train is picking up speed and the wind is pushing me back. I get a glimpse of the ground, 7 stories down, wouldn't want to fall out. 

I shuffle back into the girl and she scoots over to make room for me. I thanks her and she starts chatting.

" Do you know where we are going?"

" I assume dauntless headquarters" I answer, where else would be going? 

" Do you know where it is?" She asks in a peppy voice that is getting annoying. 

" How would I know" I snap. She looks at me like I am about to tackle her. " Sorry Im just nervous, no I Don't know where dauntless headquarters are" I try to apologize, she doesn't deserve to be snapped at she is candor after all. They say whatever is on their minds. 

" Its okay, I get it, once I was in class and- are you okay?"  My back is throbbing from the jump on the train and is only getting worse by sitting down in a curled position. The baggy grey shirts rubs against the raw skin on my back. I stifle a groan as the train turns and my back is slammed into the side of the train car. 

" uhh I-I  am fine let's stand up" I stutter from the pain. Christina looks at me like shes analyzing a  test. 

" Your lying, I can tell" Right shes candor, candor learn to read people and can see if there lying. There pretty much walking talking lie detector tests. I learn quite a few things about them while studying the factions at home. It's also how I new I could never be one of them. 

" Im fine, Let's just get up okay, I don't like sitting for too long"  She doesn't look convinced but lets it go. Finally. She stands up with ease and looks around scanning the car of dauntless. 

I though take much longer, I Lean my back against the side of the car, grit my teeth- This is going to hurt like hell- and push my back up so I slide up the wall, bring my legs up beneath me and Stand. Christina eyes me once i'm on my feet and I walk over to her.  She stops talking to the dauntless born when he turns away from her. she scoffs and turns around to me. "What a jerk" she whispers. I can't help my curiosity  and go to ask her what she was doing when a girl while green streaks in her hair walks over to the car door, looks out and yells- " ALMOST TIME" At the top of her lungs. The wind swallows her words before they can reach they back of the car but the front of the car hears them and I read her lips.

Suddenly Streams of black clothed bodys fly out of the cars ahead of us. I nudge christina to get her attention as I gape at them jump out of the train suspended 7 stories up in the air!  She stops her conversation and turns around to face me, then follows my gaze. " What are they doing!" she yells. I can barely hear her over the winds howling. A dauntless born with dark skin and chocolate brown eyes yells at us 

" Their not jumping down! Their jumping onto the roof"

Christina yells back " What roof?!" the boy leans out of the door only held in by his arm attached to a handle with his feet planted on the inside and points in the distance. 

" That one" He yells, I reluctantly lean my head out of the car to see all the other cars emptying the dauntless members onto the roof ahead.  The dauntless born leans back in and puts out his hand to shake.  

"Im Uriah, who are you?" He says looking Christina and I with a goofy grin. Christina Shakes his hand and introduces herself. I am about to say "Beatrice" but I look around at the Dauntless surrounding me, waiting for the time for our car to jump. I shake his hand and introduce myself 

" Tris, nice to meet you"  Christina looks at me with a smile when I shake his hand Twice. The gesture is unfamiliar to me and I let go to quickly.  His eyes are on mine " You too" is eyes catch my grey clothing and he frowns like he didn't notice them  before. 

"Your a stiff?" Stiff is slang for Abnegation. Its our-Their nickname, I hate it. 

I reply sharply " Yeah why"

 He raises his eyebrows " Nothing, I've just never seen an Abnegation-Dauntless transfer, good luck" He has his goofy grin on again and walks over to another group of dauntless. Christina turn to me once again and says 

" Tris" she pauses and smiles " I like it"

The same Women that warned us before of the " Jump" yells again 

" GO!" This time I am close enough to hear her. Uriah and A group of people rush towards the opens. Uriah yells "COME ON" At us and we jog over to him.  Christina and I look at each other while the dauntless file out of the train car and jump onto the rooftop. She holds out her and hand.

" Together?" she asks. I raise my eyebrows about to say I don't need help but she sees my expression and adds " I can't do it unless someone drags me"  I nod and grab her hand back up and count to three.

" One...Two....Three" I rush forward and drag Christina behind me And then, we jump.


This chapter is so long but feels so short!!! Hope You like it! Please vote and Comment I really Appreciate it! Thank you!

Words 1034


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