Chapter 12: Starting over

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Yay!!!! 202 reads! I know its not alot but it is to me since i thought i would get less than 50 so.... Anyway thank you for reading this far!!!! -Emberlyn07


The Dauntless storm down the stairs. My faction. I choose Dauntless, now I just need to get through initiation. I Will get through initiation.  

We run through the streets of Chicago in the pack of transfers. As far as I can tell there are 9 of us. We start climbing the scaffolding up to the train and line up on beside the tracks. 

We have to get on a moving train. Maybe dauntless is just another type of torcher.  I think as I watch my faction run beside the oncoming train and start climbing inside. This is going to hurt. I think as I run, aim for the middle car and jump sideways. 

I land hard on back, searing pain spreads through my body. I clench my teeth to stifle a groan. In the process of getting on the train I rolled into a girl with dark skin and hair, with hazel eyes. Judging by her outfit, A whiter candor shirt with a collar and black pants, I would say she Transferred from Candor. 

" Hey, are you okay?" She asks. My teeth are still clenched and my back still feels like somebody just hit me with a slab of cement. 

" Yeah, thank you" I say as I un-clench my teeth and try to relax. I look around to see a bunch of Dauntless with tatooed bodys and percied faces. Ther candor girl speaks again.

" My name is Christina, Yours?"

" Beatrice, it's nice to meet you" For some reason saying Beatrice now just feels...wrong. 

" I have a theory that there plan is to get all of us killed" she says with a laugh. I smile and say

" I wouldn't put it past them" She laughs more and smiles. The Dauntless have a reputation for being crazy, reckless, stupid, adrenaline junkies, ect. But I have always noticed that they are this more that the others:



And this is were I stop and drive everybody crazy. Hehehehe!

Love you guys thank you!!!!

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