Chapter 77: NO

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Warning this chapter Tobias has a bit of language.....well a lot in one part. And there is talk of Rape and Abuse too so just a warning.

-----------------Tris' POV--------------

" Tobias" I say back. He glares at me, but I know he is just scared. In a way I am too, but....i'm not scared of them hurting me, I'm scared of what they will do to him. I look away from him at to Andrew and Marcus.

" Leave him alone" I say, keeping my voice even

" Tris" Tobias growls, andrew just laughs.

" Now why would we do that?" Marcus' smile make my skin crawl.

" Well I don't think you guys want to end up hanging from your necks from abnegations street poles, now would you?"  I smile sarcastically.

There faces turn red with anger " Are you threatening us?" Marcus creepys closer

" Tris" Tobias warns again, I ignore him.

" Yes" The sound of skin hitting skin, fills the room as my cheek burns, my head flinging the opposite direction from the slap. 

" I swear to god-" Tobias Lunges forward at me, but is held back by the restraints.

I smile and look at Marcus.

Well it worked, there attentions on me, and if I keep back talking them, they will leave him alone. 

I feel blood on my lips and force myself not to look at Tobias, no matter how much I want to. 

I keep up the act " Is that really it Marcus? I mean I could slap you harder than that and my hands are tied!" I laugh, his face is pure red, he is Fuming.

His arm jerks back and his fist connects with my check. I bit my bloody lip to keep from crying out, My check throbbing and stinging from the punch and the slap.

" Tris I swear to god, stop it!" Tobias yells at me, I look at him this time. Pain fills his eyes, he is scared. 

" Its okay" i say " I'm practically being punched my a initiate here" I giggle again

" You stupid girl!" Marcus Yells at me, punching me again in the face, hitting my jaw.  I couch, spitting out blood.

I bring my head up to meet tobias' eyes.

" Marcus, lets go talk in the hall shall we?" andrew speaks up from behind marcus.

Marcus just death glares at me, Bringing my head up to look at him I smile " Bye bye" I say sweetly 

" Y-" Marcus is cut off by andrew yelling his name. Grumbling marcus stalks off, slamming a door. The second we are alone Tobias yells at me

" What are you doing!" 

" Keeping you safe" I say back, dropping the fake smile and letting my face contort in pain. I Feel blood seeping through my lips so I spit off to the corner, sure enough it's all blood. 

" Your going to get yourself killed. Just dont ok, Don't say anything to piss them off" His eyes are pleading, but his face is hard.

" Tobias, The pain of watching you get hurt is far worse than anything they could do to me. I can watch them hurt you" I whisper

" And I can!" He yells at me, His voice desperate now.

" Yes, your stronger than me, you'll be fine" I say, trying to convince myself more than him.

I can do this, I will be fine and he will be fine.

 "No" He shakes his head " I know what your doing and they will kill you." He Declares

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